Week 1: The Importance of Integrity


1. Which of the following conditions are necessary to ensure data integrity? Select all that apply.

  • Accuracy 
  • Statistical power
  • Completeness 
  • Privacy

2. What is one potential problem associated with data manipulation that analysts must be aware of?

  • Data manipulation can help organize a dataset.
  • Data manipulation can introduce errors. 
  • Data manipulation can make a dataset easier to read.
  • Data manipulation can separate a dataset among different locations.

3. A data analyst is given a dataset for analysis. It includes data about the total population of every country in the previous 20 years. Which of the following questions can the analyst use this dataset to address? Select all that apply.

  • What was the reason for the population increase in a certain country?
  • What was the effect of migration on the population of a certain country?
  • What was the difference in population between two specific countries in 2018? 
  • What was the average population of a certain country from 2015 through 2020? 

4. A data analyst is given a dataset for analysis. To use the template for this dataset, click the link below and select “Use Template.”

The analyst notices a limitation with the data in rows 8 and 9. What is the limitation?

  • Row 8 and row 9 show the wrong currency.
  • Row 9 is a duplicate of row 8. 
  • Row 9 needs more data.
  • Row 8 is not in the correct format.

Explanation: However, you referenced a link instead of providing alternatives for the first question, which appears to indicate that you intended to do so. I would appreciate it if you could provide the answers to the first question about the dataset and the overall population of each nation throughout the course of the preceding twenty years. Once it is taken care of, we will be able to go on to the constraints that are in rows 8 and 9.

5. A data analyst is working on a project about the global supply chain. They have a dataset with lots of relevant data from Europe and Asia. However, they decide to generate new data that represents all continents. What type of insufficient data does this scenario describe?

  • Data that keeps updating
  • Data from only one source
  • Data that’s geographically limited 
  • Data that’s outdated

Explanation: To me, this situation seems to be an illustration of what is known as "continent bias" or "geographical bias." Through the generation of new data, the analyst may be introducing a lack of representation from specific continents, which may result in a knowledge of the global supply chain that is either incomplete or distorted.

6. In the data analysis process, how does a sample relate to a population?

  • A sample is a part of a population that is representative of the population. 
  • A sample is an ideal example taken from a population.
  • A sample is a duplicate selection of data that is taken from the population.
  • A sample is an average of all the data that represents the population.

Explanation: A subset of the population is what is referred to as a sample in the process of data analysis. In this context, "population" refers to the complete group from whom you want to draw conclusions, while "sample" refers to a smaller piece of that population that is typical of the whole. Inferences about the wider population are often drawn from samples by analysts. This is due to the fact that it is sometimes difficult or even impossible to investigate each and every person within the whole population. The purpose of the sample is to precisely represent the features of the population, which will allow for insights that are both significant and generalizable.

7. A restaurant gathers data about a new dish by providing free samples to parties of six or more diners. What does this scenario describe?

  • Unbiased sampling
  • Random sampling
  • Geographically limited sampling
  • Sampling bias 

Explanation: A method of "sampling" in the process of data collecting is described by this scenario. A specified subset (sample) of the restaurant's entire customer group is being offered free samples of a new dish. The restaurant is providing these samples to parties of six or more diners, who comprise some of its customers. Before making a decision on whether or not to add the new dish on their regular menu, the restaurant is most likely using this strategy in order to collect feedback and insights about the new dish from a representative group.

8. Data and business objectives might not align for a number of reasons. Which of the following issues can prevent alignment? Select all that apply.

  • Sampling bias 
  • Data integrity
  • Insufficient data 
  • Data visualization

9. Fill in the blank: Data _____ refers to the accuracy, completeness, consistency, and trustworthiness of data throughout its life cycle.

  • Integrity 
  • analysis
  • sampling
  • replication

Explanation: High-quality data! That precision, completeness, consistency, and trustworthiness are the most important things to focus on.

10. A healthcare company keeps copies of their data at several locations across the country. The data becomes compromised because each location creates a copy of the original at different times of day. Which of the following processes caused the compromise?

  • Data manipulation
  • Data transfer
  • Data gathering
  • Data replication 

Explanation: A situation of "data inconsistency" owing to asynchronous updates seems to be the cause of this issue. It is possible for there to be inconsistencies and a breach in the integrity of the data across the numerous copies if each site creates a duplicate at a different time.

11. A data analyst is given a dataset for analysis. It includes data about the total population of every country in the previous 20 years. Based on the available data, an analyst would be able to determine the reasons behind a certain country’s population increase from 2016 to 2017.

  • True
  • False 

Explanation:Without a doubt! An analyst has the capacity to investigate and evaluate the causes that contributed to the growth in population of a particular nation from 2016 to 2017 provided they have access to a dataset that contains information about the total population of every country in the preceding 20 years. It is possible for them to investigate a variety of demographic, economic, social, or environmental issues that may have had a role in the shift in population during that particular time period. Therefore, it paves the way for a thorough examination of the factors that influence the dynamics of the population.

12. A data analyst at a nonprofit organization is working with a dataset about a summer fundraiser. Although they have a lot of useful data by the end of the month, they recognize that the data is insufficient. So, they decide to wait until the end of the season to begin working with the dataset. Which type of insufficient data does this example describe?

  • Data that keeps updating 
  • Outdated data
  • Geographically limited data
  • Data from only one source

Explanation: The phrase "temporal insufficiency" of data is used to characterize this condition. Due to the fact that the data was only gathered until the end of the month, the analyst is aware that it may not offer a complete knowledge of the full summer fundraising event. By delaying the collection of data until the conclusion of the season, it is possible to get a more comprehensive dataset that encompasses the full range of fundraising efforts during the whole length.

13. Fill in the blank: Sampling bias in data collection happens when a sample isn’t representative of _____.

  • the population as a whole 
  • the population most affected by the data 
  • a dataset about the population
  • a subset of the population

Explanation: The phenomenon known as sampling bias occurs in the process of data gathering when a sample is not representative of the total population.

14. Sometimes during analysis, an analyst discovers that it’s necessary to adjust the business objective. When this happens, the analyst should take the initiative to do so without involving others in order to be respectful of their time.

  • True
  • False 

Explanation: Achieving a balance is of the utmost importance. While it is true that individuality and initiative are essential, it is also true that teamwork and communication are as critical. The modification of corporate goals may have an effect on a number of stakeholders; keeping these stakeholders informed ensures that they are aligned and that they have a common understanding. Transparency about changes has the potential to create a working atmosphere that is more conducive to collaboration and efficiency.

15. A data analyst is given a dataset for analysis. It includes data about the total population of every country in the previous 20 years. Which of the following questions would the analyst need more data to address? 

  • What was the population of a certain country in 2020?
  • Which country had the greatest population in 2015?
  • Which country had the smallest population in 2017?
  • What was the reason for the population increase in a certain country? 

Explanation: However, in general, if the questions involve detailed demographic trends, specific events, or factors that influence population changes, the analyst might require additional data beyond just the total population of each country. I am unable to pinpoint which of the questions would require more data because I do not have access to the specific questions. When doing a complete study, it may be necessary to collect more detailed data in order to answer questions about migratory patterns, economic causes, or societal developments.

16. A restaurant wants to gather data about a new dish by giving out free samples and asking for feedback. Who should the restaurant give samples to?

  • All diners
  • 80% of diners 
  • Diners who spend the most money on their meal 
  • Diners who are willing to pay for the samples

Explanation: It would be beneficial for the restaurant to provide samples to a broad and representative set of customers in order to collect data that is valuable. This may include people that are new to the business, customers who are regulars, and customers who have dietary limitations and preferences that vary from one another. Rather than focusing on a particular sector of the population, the objective is to collect feedback that is representative of the whole consumer base.

17. A data analyst at a software company wants to learn more about industry competitors. Because the software industry has more mergers than any other field, the companies and their products are constantly evolving. The analyst has a dataset from three years ago, and they notice that many of the companies and products in the dataset have changed. What makes the analyst decide that the data is insufficient, so they should generate fresh data instead?

  • It is geographically limited data
  • It is data from only one source
  • It is outdated data 
  • It is data that keeps updating

Explanation: As a result of the dynamic nature of the software sector, which is characterized by frequent mergers and ongoing modification of firms and products, the analyst most likely comes to the conclusion that the data provide inadequate information. There is a possibility that a dataset that was created three years ago does not adequately portray the current environment. Therefore, it is required to generate new data in order to accurately reflect the current status of industry rivals and the goods they provide. This guarantees that the analysis is based on information that is both current and relevant to the situation.

18. Fill in the blank: If a data analyst is using data that has been _____, the data will lack integrity and the analysis will be faulty.

  • Compromised 
  • clean
  • wide
  • public

Explanation: In the event that a data analyst makes use of data that has been altered or corrupted, the data will be incapable of maintaining its integrity, and the analysis will be flawed. The integrity of the data is very necessary in order to guarantee the precision and dependability of any study.

19. A financial analyst imports a dataset to their computer from a storage device. As it’s being imported, the connection is interrupted, which compromises the data. Which of the following processes caused the compromise?

  • Data analysis
  • Data manipulation
  • Data transfer 
  • Data gathering

Explanation:It is quite probable that the data was compromised as a result of a "interruption during data transfer" or a "data transfer error." Because of the interruption in the connection while the dataset was being imported, the data can end up being damaged or incomplete, which would put the dataset's integrity at risk.

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