1. You’re looking to do visuals-first advertising online. Your go-to social media platform should be:

  • Facebook
  • TikTok
  • Instagram 
  • LinkedIn

Explanation: It is my opinion that Instagram is an excellent option for advertising that focuses on images. One may compare it to a digital art museum, where your pictures have the opportunity to truly shine. In addition, it is essential to attract attention when scrolling, and a captivating picture or video may do wonders for your chances of success!

2. You’re looking to build a community online. Your go-to social media platform should be:

  • TikTok
  • Facebook 
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn

Explanation: For the purpose of constructing a community, I would recommend using networks such as Facebook or Reddit. Additionally, they provide more comprehensive group features and debates, which makes it simpler for those who have similar interests to gather together.

3. Microsoft’s “Guidelines for Successful Blogging” are not in Microsoft’s official Employee Handbook, but the rules are manageable and understandable. Which of the following is part of “Microsoft’s Blogging Policy & Guidelines”? (Select all that apply.)

  • Your blog posts should garner as much reaction as possible
  • Make friends with your corporate communications department and learn how to work with them 
  • There is no need to identify yourself
  • Respect existing confidentiality agreements 

4. Determine whether the following statement is true or false: Consumers today expect brands to be present on their favorite social media platforms.

  • False
  • True 

Explanation: Indeed! Consumers often anticipate that companies will have a presence on the social media platforms that they like to use in this day and age of digital technology. Brands have the opportunity to engage with their audience in a manner that is both direct and engaging via the use of social media. This allows them to communicate information, solve complaints, and establish communities. It is now a common expectation for companies to have an active and engaging presence on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, amongst others, in order to retain a connection with their consumer base.

5. Of the three core values that a social media policy should achieve, which category does the following statement fit in?

“Nordstrom makes it clear that employees can be held legally responsible for what they post, so they should make sure that they stay within the company guidelines. “

  • A social media policy must guard against legal risks to the organization 
  • A social media policy must empower its employees
  • A social media policy must protect the brand

Explanation: The assertion that you made is consistent with the fundamental principle of "Legal Compliance" that is included in a social media policy. The fact that workers may be held legally liable for their postings is emphasized, and they are encouraged to adhere to the parameters set out by the organization in order to guarantee that they are in accordance with the law. This is a typical component of social media policies, and its purpose is to safeguard workers as well as the firm from any possible legal situations that may arise as a result of information posted online.

6. Is the following a quality of a website or a blog?

There is a transactional functionality.

  • Blog
  • Website 

Explanation: Websites, as opposed to blogs, are often referred to as having transactional capabilities since it is a characteristic of websites. When a website is said to have transactional capability, it means that it enables users to participate in transactions, such as making purchases, filling out forms, or dealing with e-commerce capabilities. This attribute is more typically linked with wider website functions that go beyond conventional blogging activities. While some blogs may contain components of transactional functionality (for example, enabling readers to buy things mentioned in the blog), this characteristic is more usually connected with broader website functionalities.

7. Which benefit of blogging is the following an example of?

Posting valuable content consistently helps elevate a company as a trusted resource within their industry leading to more visitors, more potential customers and more sales.

  • Build credibility 
  • Expand your content’s reach
  • Make authentic connections
  • Search Engine Optimization 

8. Which of the following is a soft skill?

  • Engineering
  • Microsoft Office
  • Leadership 
  • Copywriting

Explanation: The term "emotional intelligence" refers to a "soft skill." The capacity to engage with people in a productive manner is enhanced by a person's possession of soft skills, which include personal characteristics and interpersonal abilities. Understanding and being able to control your own feelings is an essential component of emotional intelligence. Additionally, it is important to be aware of and sensitive of the feelings of other people. The development of good connections, the ability to communicate effectively, and the ability to navigate social circumstances with empathy and understanding are all significantly fueled by its presence.

9. IBM works with employee bloggers, training them to advance the company’s goals and corporate reputation. Which of the following is part of “IBM’s Blogging Policy & Guidelines”? (Select all that apply)

  • You must make it clear that you are speaking for yourself and not on behalf of IBM. 
  • IBMers are personally responsible for their posts. Be mindful that what you write will be public for a long time — protect your privacy. 
  • You may cite or reference clients, partners, or suppliers without their approval.
  • You do not need to make yourself or your role at IBM known.

10. You’re looking to reach the largest possible audience with the most precise targeted advertising tools. Your go-to social media platform should be:

  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • TikTok
  • Facebook 

Explanation: Facebook might be the social media platform that you should go for if you want to reach the widest potential audience while maintaining a high level of precision in your targeting. A wide variety of targeting choices, including demographics, hobbies, behaviors, and more, are available via the advertising tools provided by Facebook. You will be able to reach a large number of people while simultaneously guaranteeing that your advertisements are viewed by those who are most likely interested in the product or service you are offering. Ensure that you fine-tune your targeting parameters in order to get the highest possible level of accuracy with your campaign.

11. Which of the following are good general guidelines for a corporate blog? Select all that apply.

  • Blog posts should not disclose any information that is confidential or proprietary to the company 
  • Blog posts must respect copyright, privacy, fair use, financial disclosure, and other applicable laws 
  • Employees can imply that they are speaking on behalf of the company

12. Determine whether the following statement is true or false: When an employee posts from a personal account, it is not important that they use the appropriate tone and messaging.

  • False 
  • True

Explanation: False!!! In spite of the fact that they are posting from their personal accounts, it is essential for an employee to maintain a proper tone and message. When it comes to the digital era, the boundaries between personal and professional life may become more blurry. The things that workers publish on the internet can reflect not only on themselves but also on their business. It is common practice for businesses to urge their staff to be conscious of their internet presence since it might have an effect on the reputation of the firm. Even on personal accounts, it is a good habit to have a courteous and professional tone. This is particularly important in order to maintain a favorable image.

13. You’re looking to do mainly B2B (business to business) marketing and to post job applications. Your go-to social media platform should be:

  • Instagram
  • TikTok
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn 

Explanation: For business-to-business (B2B) marketing and submitting job applications, LinkedIn is the social media network that you should use. Due to the fact that it was developed expressly for professional networking, it would be an excellent platform for companies that are looking to reach other firms. An audience of professionals who are actively seeking for material connected to business may be reached via the sharing of industry insights, the establishment of connections with other professionals, and even the posting of job vacancies. This is a strong tool that can be used to sell your business-to-business services as well as identify new workers.

14. You’re looking to advertise specifically to teens. Your go-to social media platform should be:

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  •  TikTok 
  • LinkedIn

Explanation: You may want to consider using Snapchat or Instagram as your primary social media channels if you are trying to reach a teenage audience. These two platforms are very well-liked among younger groups, and they both include features such as Stories and filters that are particularly appealing to adolescents. In addition, TikTok is becoming more popular among young people. It is possible that the type of your material and the special interests of the young audience you are attempting to attract will influence your choice of platform. This is because each platform has its own set of features that are unique to it.

15. Which part of your LinkedIn profile should be your virtual elevator pitch?

  • Summary 
  • Background
  • Skills & Accomplishments

Explanation: Both the title and summary of your LinkedIn profile serve as a kind of elevator presentation for your profile. Your professional identity or value proposition should be concisely captured in the headline, which is the first thing that people notice when they view your content. A quick review of your experiences, talents, and what sets you apart from other candidates is provided in the summary, which gives a chance to elaborate on this specific point. To put it simply, it is your opportunity to leave a strong impression on everyone who happens to come across your profile.

16. You are a fashion brand looking to create an immediate avenue for shopping. Your go-to social media platform would be:

  • Instagram
  • Linkedin
  • TikTok
  • Facebook 

Explanation: Instagram has the potential to become your go-to social media tool for the purpose of establishing a quick shopping channel. Instagram provides tools like as Instagram Shopping that enable companies to tag items in posts, stories, and reels. This gives users the ability to browse and buy things right inside the site itself. Considering that it offers a shopping experience that is both visually attractive and smooth, it is an excellent option for fashion firms who are trying to increase their sales.

17. What is a corporate social media policy intended to achieve?

  • Increase sales, protect the brand, guard against legal risks
  • Attract influencers, empower employees, guard against legal risks
  • Empower employees, protect the brand, guard against legal risks 
  • Protect the brand, discourage employees from posting on personal accounts, guard against legal risks

18. Which of the following is not included in establishing a corporate social media policy?

  • Verify employees’ responsibilities
  • Reinforce what’s considered confidential information
  • Authorize graphic design and image specifications 
  • Provide a plan for dealing with conflict

Explanation: The particular act of producing viral material is often unanticipated and is not something that can be specifically specified in a policy. However, the firm may have the intention of creating content that is both engaging and shareable as a goal. Guidelines for employee conduct, legal compliance, the safeguarding of sensitive information, and overall brand image on social media platforms are often the primary objectives of a social media policy rather than other aspects of the policy. In contrast to being an activity that can be directly controlled, virality is more of an effect.

19. Which of the following is not a benefit of blogging for your business? 

  • Establish your business as an industry thought leader 
  • Selling your products and services online 
  • Provide a boost to search engine optimization efforts 
  • Connecting people to your brand 

20. Which of the following is not a benefit of blogging for your business?

  • Increase sales, protect the brand, guard against legal risks
  • Attract influencers, empower employees, guard against legal risks
  • Empower employees, protect the brand, guard against legal risks 
  • Protect the brand, discourage employees from posting on personal accounts, guard against legal risks

Explanation: Not only is the success of a blog post becoming viral not a typical or promised consequence of blogging, but it is also not a guarantee that it will be successful. The creation of material that is both shareable and engaging is a goal; yet, the achievement of viral success is often contingent on a number of external elements that are difficult to foresee, such as timing, audience reaction, and external trends. It is most often connected with blogging with the development of a long-term following, the enhancement of search engine optimization, and the establishment of authority in a certain industry.

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