Week 5 – Endless career possibilities

1. An online gardening magazine wants to understand why its subscriber numbers have increased. A data analyst discovers that significantly more people subscribe when the magazine has its annual 50% off sale. This is an example of what?


·        Analyzing consumer preferences using artificial intelligence

·        Analyzing customer buying behaviors

·        Analyzing social media engagement

·        Analyzing the number of customers by calculating daily foot traffic

Explanation: It seems like a textbook example of the relationship between cause and effect; the fact that more individuals sign up for subscriptions when there is a sale offering 50% off implies that the reduced price is a big component in their choice. We may refer to this as a correlation in the field of statistics, more precisely a positive correlation between the sale and increasing subscriptions.

2. Fill in the blank: A doctor’s office has discovered that patients are waiting 20 minutes longer for their appointments than in past years. To help solve this problem, a data analyst could investigate how many nurses are on staff at a given time compared to the number of _____.


·        doctors seeing new patients

·        patients with appointments

·        negative comments about the wait times on social media

·        doctors on staff at the same time

3. A problem is an obstacle to be solved, an issue is a topic to investigate, and a question is designed to discover information.


·        True

·        False

4. What is a question or problem that a data analyst answers for a business?


·        Mission statement

·        Hypothesis

·        Complaint

·        Business task

5. Fill in the blank: Data-driven decision-making is described as using _____ to guide business strategy.


·        gut instinct

·        visualizations

·        facts

·        intuition

Explanation: Using data to inform corporate strategy is an example of what is meant by the term "data-driven decision-making." It is the same as having a compass that guides you in the proper way, except that rather than pointing towards north, it is pointing towards educated decisions and better results.

6. It’s possible for conclusions drawn from data analysis to be both true and unfair.


·        True

·        False

Explanation: Without a doubt! It's similar to having an answer that is, in every sense of the word, true, but the process by which you arrived at it or the circumstances in which it's being applied could make it unjust. The truth may be a tough character at times because it involves more than simply accuracy; it also involves justice, ethics, and having a knowledge of the wider picture.

7. A data analyst is analyzing fruit and vegetable sales at a grocery store. They’re able to find data on everything except red onions. What’s the best course of action?


·        Ask a teammate for help finding data on red onions.

·        Exclude red onions from the analysis.

·        Exclude all onion varieties from the analysis.

·        Use the data on white onions instead, as they’re both onion varieties.

Explanation: It certainly resembles the case of the unexplained red onions! In circumstances such as this one, the most prudent move for a data analyst to do would be to admit that there is a gap in the data and to convey this information in a transparent manner. They might also investigate other possible sources or ways to estimate or infer the red onion sales, but the most important thing is that they be transparent about the information that is lacking. After all, not even the most skilled investigators can solve a case if they are missing any of the evidence.

8. Collaborating with a social scientist to provide insights into human bias and social contexts is an effective way to avoid bias in your data.


·        True

·        False

Explanation: They provide insights into human behavior, social dynamics, and the cultural background that may not be readily obvious from the data alone. When you are exploring the territory of human prejudice, it is similar like having a guide who is familiar with the terrain there. Together, data analysts and social scientists may provide an understanding of the data that is more nuanced and thorough, which can help reduce the amount of bias that is there and improve the quality of the insights.

Shuffle Q/A 1

9. A restaurant hires a data analyst to determine the best times to have the restaurant open. Which of the following methods can the data analyst use to help build a better schedule for the restaurant? Select all that apply.


·        Analyze weekly weather data

·        Analyze staffing levels for different days

·        Examine hourly customer numbers

·        Survey customers on their preferred times to dine

10. A restaurant has noticed that customers often wait longer in line than in previous years. How could a data analyst help solve this problem?


·        Analyze the average sales amount per customer

·        Analyze customer survey results about the preferred opening hours of the restaurant

·        Analyze the number of staff on shift at any time

·        Analyze the products customers are purchasing

11. Fill in the blank: A business task is described as the _____ a data analyst answers for a business.


·        solution

·        complaint

·        question

·        comment

Explanation: The query that has to be answered by a data analyst on behalf of a company is an example of a business job. It's almost as if they're on a mission to find knowledge, trying to solve the puzzles that are contained inside the data so that they can deliver useful insights.

12. When you make decisions using observation and intuition as a guide, you only see part of the picture. What can improve your decision-making?


·        Using data

·        Using assumptions

·        Creating surveys

·        Being decisive

Explanation: Oh, the age-old routine performed by one's intuition and one's wisdom! The inclusion of data in the decision-making process is analogous to turning on a light, in contrast to the contributions that observation and intuition provide to the decision-making mechanism. It sheds light on the shadowy areas, bringing into view patterns and particulars that one may have overlooked otherwise. Therefore, in order to enhance decision-making, you could wish to ask facts to join the dance; doing so is analogous to having a dependable dancing partner who ensures that you remain in step with the beat of reality.

13. Data analysts ensure their analysis is fair for what reason?


·        Fairness helps them avoid biased conclusions.

·        Fairness helps them stay organized.

·        Fairness helps them communicate with stakeholders.

·        Fairness helps them pick and choose which data to include from a dataset.

Explanation: Fairness is the essential component for producing ethical and objective findings, which is why data analysts make it a priority to ensure that their analyses are fair. It is important to check that the conclusions that are generated from the data do not mistakenly favor one group over another or continue to perpetuate prejudices that already exist. To guarantee that the judgments and actions that are based on the insights are just and equitable, fairness in the analysis is essential. In the world of data, it's almost like having the responsibility of upholding truth and justice.

14. A large hotel chain sees about 500 customers per week. A data analyst working there is gathering data through customer satisfaction surveys. They are anxious to begin analysis, so they start analyzing the data as soon as they receive 50 survey responses. This is an example of what? Select all that apply.


·        Failing to include diverse perspectives in data collection

·        Failing to collect data anonymously

·        Failing to reward customers for participating in the survey

·        Failing to have a large enough sample size

15. An online gardening magazine wants to understand why its subscriber numbers have been increasing. What kind of reports can a data analyst provide to help answer that question? Select all that apply.


·        Reports that describe how many customers shared positive comments about the gardening magazine on social media in the past year

·        Reports that predict the success of sales leads to secure future subscribers

·        Reports that examine how a recent 50%-off sale affected the number of subscription purchases

·        Reports that compare past weather patterns to the number of people asking gardening questions to their social media

16. Fill in the blank: In data analytics, a question is _____.


·        an obstacle or complication that needs to be worked out

·        a way to discover information

·        a topic to investigate

·        a subject to analyze

Explanation: When doing data analytics, a query acts as a compass to direct the investigation of potential insights. It is similar to the North Star in that it shows the path to the knowledge and comprehension that you are looking for in the wide expanse of data.

17. What must a data analyst establish before they can start to plan the best approach to gather and analyze information?


·        The business task

·        The statement

·        The complaint

·        The solution

18. What is the process of using facts to guide business strategy?


·        Data-driven decision-making

·        Data ethics

·        Data visualization

·        Data programming

Shuffle Q/A 2

19. A data analyst is developing a model. They start by gathering data for groups that are underrepresented in a sample. What strategy could they employ to ensure these groups are represented fairly?


·        Oversample the underrepresented group

·        Sample the underrepresented group normally

·        Combine the underrepresented group with another group

·        Exclude the underrepresented group from the sample

20. A restaurant is trying to develop more effective staffing strategies. A data analyst recognizes that there are significantly fewer customers earlier in the business day. They conclude that opening later would be more effective for staffing. What is this an example of?


·        Creating efficiencies by analyzing customer foot traffic

·        Tailoring products to consumer buying habits

·        Creating more effective customer communication

·        Gathering customer opinions about business changes

Explanation: This is an example of decision-making that is guided by data, especially the use of data to maximize the effectiveness of staffing tactics. The data analyst has seen a trend, which is that there are less clients earlier in the day, and has come to the following conclusion as a result of this observation: that opening later would be more beneficial for staffing.

In this particular scenario, the decision to shift the opening hour was arrived at after conducting an investigation on the circulation patterns of the clientele. It's an application of data in the real world to help inform a choice, and it has the potential to lead to more effective resource management and personnel scheduling. Decision-making that is informed by data, such as this example, enables organizations to better align their operations with consumer demand, therefore improving both the customer experience and the efficiency of their operations.

21. A restaurant has noticed many popular dishes are running out early in the day. How could a data analyst help identify a solution to this problem? Select all that apply.


·        Analyze ordering patterns of those products

·        Examine the number of sales of those products

·        Examine overall daily sales of the restaurant

·        Analyze the number of staff on shift during peak times

22. When working for a restaurant, a data analyst is asked to examine and report on the daily sales data from year to year to help with making more efficient staffing decisions. What is this an example of?


·        A business task

·        An issue

·        A solution

·        A breakthrough  

Explanation: This is an example of using past sales data to make a comparison from one year to the next, especially for the purpose of informing staffing choices. The data analyst is delving deep into the digits to search for recurring structures and tendencies in the daily sales figures throughout the various time periods.

In this case, the purpose of the study is to determine how staffing levels might be improved by adjusting them so that they are more closely aligned with past sales trends. The restaurant is able to make more educated judgments on how and when to schedule workers in order to more effectively fulfill the demands of its patrons when it has a better grasp of how daily sales change throughout various periods of the year.

It's like having a crystal ball built out of data that can forecast when the restaurant is going to be busy with guests. This makes it possible to allocate personnel resources in a way that's more strategic and efficient.

23. Data-driven decision-making is using facts to guide business strategy. The benefits include which of the following? Select all that apply.


·        Getting a complete picture of a problem and its causes

·        Combining observation with objective data

·        Using data analytics to find the best possible solution to a problem

·        Making the most of intuition and gut instinct

24. A data analyst is analyzing fruit and vegetable sales at a grocery store. They’re able to find data on everything except red onions. If they exclude red onions from the analysis, this would be an example of creating or reinforcing bias.


·        True

·        False

Explanation: Without a doubt! If red onions are left out of the study, it presents a skewed view of the market for fruits and vegetables as a whole, which might be seen as introducing an element of bias. Because red onions were not included in the data set, it is possible that the results of the study may be inaccurate and that it will not be representative of the population.This serves as a useful reminder of the need of collecting all available data in order to prevent unintended bias in the study.

25. A hotel is trying to gather data on their guests' satisfaction with their stay. Which of the following options would best help the hotel account for potential bias in their data?


·        Surveying guests at random times throughout the year

·        Only surveying guests who have booked their stay through a certain third-party website

·        Only surveying guests who have stayed at the hotel during peak season

·        Only surveying guests who have stayed at the hotel for more than 3 nights

26. A restaurant is struggling to accurately staff for the different daily customer volumes. On some days, there are many servers and few customers. On other days, the restaurant is very busy and there are not enough servers and kitchen staff. What reports could a data analyst use to create more efficient staffing strategies? Select all that apply.


·        Reports of past and future reservations

·        Reports of past weather patterns in the area of the restaurant

·        Reports using historical sales data to predict sales for the current day/date

·        Reports of planned local events in the area of the restaurant

27. Fill in the blank: In data analytics, a topic to investigate is also known as a(n) _____.


·        theme

·        issue

·        question

·        statement

Explanation: In the field of data analytics, a question or problem that has to be solved is referred to as an issue. It's as if you're preparing the groundwork for an in-depth investigation into the facts, during which you'll investigate the complexities and find new insights into a certain topic.

28. When a choice is made between good, bad, or a combination of consequences based on facts, it is also known as what?


·        Data-driven decision-making

·        Data ethics

·        Data visualization

·        Data programming

Explanation: A decision may be thought of as the act of selecting between favorable, unfavorable, or any other permutation of outcomes on the basis of information gathered. It's almost like using a map made from the insights gleaned from data to guide you through the maze of options.

Shuffle Q/A 3

29. At what point in the data analysis process should a data analyst consider fairness?


·        When decisions are made based on the conclusions

·        When data collection begins

·        When data is being organized for reporting

·        When conclusions are presented

Explanation: At each stage of the data analysis process, beginning with the development of the research question and continuing through the interpretation and reporting of findings, fairness is an important factor that has to be taken into account.

30. A restaurant is considering changing their operating hours. They survey customers that come in between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. to get feedback on this potential change. What can the restaurant do to ensure the data analysis process is fair?


·        Expand the times when they survey customers

·        Survey only repeat customers

·        Reward customers for participating in the survey

·        Survey people walking by on the street

31. A doctor’s office discovers that patients are waiting 20 minutes longer for their appointments than in past years. In what ways could a data analyst help solve this problem? Select all that apply.


·        Analyze the average length of an appointment this year compared to past years.

·        Analyze the number of patients seen per day compared to past years.

·        Analyze a recent change in the average rating for the doctor’s office on social media.

·        Analyze how many doctors and nurses are on staff at a given time compared to the number of patients with appointments

32. Fill in the blank: Fairness is achieved when data analysis doesn’t create or _____ bias.


·        reinforce

·        constrain

·        highlight

·        resolve

Explanation: The analysis of data has reached a state of fairness when it does not produce or maintain bias.

33. A gym wants to start offering exercise classes. A data analyst plans to survey 10 people to determine which classes would be most popular. To ensure the data collected is fair, what steps should they take? Select all that apply.


·        Ensure participants represent a variety of profiles and backgrounds.

·        Collect data anonymously.

·        Survey only people who don’t currently go to the gym.

·        Increase the number of participants.

34. A doctor’s office has discovered that patients are waiting 20 minutes longer for their appointments than in past years. A data analyst could help solve this problem by analyzing how many doctors and nurses are on staff at a given time compared to the number of patients with appointments.


·        True

·        False

Explanation: The data analyst may give actionable insights to the doctor's office by concentrating on the staff-to-patient ratio. These insights will enable the office to make educated choices that will cut wait times and improve the efficiency of their operations.

35. Fill in the blank: Once an analyst has identified a problem for a business, they establish a(n)_____ to help inform the process of gathering the correct information.


·        issue

·        business task

·        statement

·        solution

Explanation: After an issue has been recognized for a company by an analyst, the next step is to design a framework that will assist in guiding the process of acquiring the appropriate information.

36. Which of the following best describes what fairness in data analytics means?


·        Ensuring that analysis does not create or reinforce bias

·        Including data from dominant groups

·        Collecting data objectively

·        Including self-reported data

Explanation: In the field of data analytics, the term "fairness" refers to the goal of ensuring that both the analysis itself and the results it produces are devoid of prejudice, discrimination, and undue influence. Throughout the whole of the data analysis process, it entails treating all persons and groups in an impartial manner and avoiding partiality of any kind. This encompasses characteristics such as the collecting of unbiased data, fair representation in the dataset, techniques of analysis that are impartial, and equitable interpretation and use of the findings. The purpose is to avoid and resolve any possible sources of unfairness or prejudice that may exist in the use of data. This will be accomplished by preventing any potential problems from occurring in the first place.

37. A college IT department needs to reduce the number of computers on campus for student use. How could a data analyst help identify a solution to this problem?


·        Analyze the number of classes schedules across all classrooms

·        Analyze the utilization of the computer labs on campus

·        Analyze data on the number of students enrolled

·        Analyze the square footage of all computer labs on campus

38. Data analysts answer questions and solve problems. These are called business tasks.


·        True

·        False

Explanation: Without a doubt! Data analysts play an essential part in the completion of business operations by using data in order to find answers to questions and find solutions to issues. They use a wide variety of analytical approaches, tools, and procedures to extract relevant insights from data, therefore assisting companies in making well-informed choices and improving the efficiency of their operations. Data analysts contribute to the overall profitability and efficiency of enterprises in a variety of ways, including the identification of patterns, the prediction of future events, the optimization of resource allocation, and the resolution of particular difficulties.

Shuffle Q/A 4

39. While working on an analysis, a data analyst learns that their team did not account for bias when they originally gathered the data. How might this factor affect the conclusion produced by the analysis?


·        The analysis could result in a low sample size.

·        The analysis could create a modeling error.

·        The analysis could lead to a lack of anonymity.

·        The analysis could present an incomplete picture.

40. In data analytics, what is the term for an obstacle to be solved?


·        Question

·        Issue

·        Problem

·        Solution

Explanation: In the field of data analytics, an impediment that has to be overcome is sometimes referred to as a "challenge" or a "problem statement." Both of these terms use the word "problem." It is a particular problem or challenge that, in order to arrive at the intended result or answer via the use of data analysis, has to be solved or handled. Data analysts recognize and characterize these issues in order to direct their analytical efforts and work toward the discovery of efficient solutions.

41. Fill in the blank: As a data analyst considering problems that involve people and their behaviors and activities, it’s important to take into account the complicated _____ that could create bias in conclusions.


·        social context

·        company politics

·        performance

·        attendance habits

Explanation: It is essential for a data analyst to take into consideration the complex social dynamics that may lead to biased results when examining issues that include people and the behaviors and activities they engage in.

42. Describe the difference between a question and a problem in data analytics.


·        A question is a topic to investigate, whereas a problem is a subject to investigate.

·        A question can have many answers, whereas a problem only has one solution.

·        A question is uncertain, whereas a problem is clearly specified.

·        A question is designed to discover information, whereas a problem is an obstacle or complication that needs to be solved.

43. Fill in the blank: A business task is described as the _____ a data analyst answers for a business.


·        complaint

·        comment

·        question

·        solution

Explanation: The act of providing answers to queries posed by a company's data analyst is referred to as a business task.

44. Fill in the blank: _____ in data analytics is when the data analysis process does not create or reinforce bias.


·        Predictability

·        Transparency

·        Fairness

·        Consideration

Explanation: In data analytics, fairness is achieved when the process of data analysis does not produce or perpetuate prejudice in any way.

45. A data analyst at a restaurant analyzes data about past sales and customer trends. They identify that the restaurant does not generate enough revenue to pay the staff whenever the restaurant is open before 4 p.m. The restaurant then adjusts their hours of operation to open at 4 p.m. What is this an example of?


·        Using intuition to create efficiencies

·        Following data ethics

·        Survey data gathering

·        Data-driven decision-making

Explanation: This is an example of making a choice based on the evidence. Data insights may be used to educate and guide business choices, as shown by the restaurant's decision to modify its operating hours in response to an examination of historical sales data and patterns about the restaurant's clientele. In this particular instance, the data analyst's conclusions concerning the generating of income during certain hours led to a strategic shift in the restaurant's operation hours so that they would correspond with periods when they would generate the most profit.

46. A problem is an obstacle to be solved, an issue is a topic to investigate, and a question is designed to discover information.


·        True

·        False

Explanation: That is a clear and succinct description of the situation! In the context of data analytics, a problem is a difficulty that needs to be resolved, an issue is a topic that needs to be investigated or comprehended, and a question is a particular query that is meant to discover information via analysis. The analytical process may be guided by these differences, and efforts can be focused on addressing certain parts of the data. Excellently put!

47. A data analyst focuses much of their work effort for a business on what?


·        Complaints

·        Strategies

·        Breakthroughs

·        Business tasks

Explanation: A significant portion of a data analyst's time spent working for a company is dedicated to the process of gleaning useful information from data. This includes activities such as gathering, cleaning, and analyzing data in order to discover patterns, trends, and information that is relevant. The purpose of these recommendations is to facilitate informed decision-making within the company and to give practical suggestions. Data analysts play a crucial part in the process of transforming raw data into meaningful insights that may drive the development of new company strategies and improvements.

48. When reviewing student data, a data analyst calculates course pass rates across the entire student population in two ways: once for students in academic support programs and once for students not utilizing academic support. What would be an example of a factor creating a bias in this example?


·        Ensuring a large enough sample size is used

·        Picking and choosing data from the data set

·        Not accounting for opportunities to utilize support programs

·        Considering systemic issues that may influence data

Explanation: In this particular illustration, the self-selection bias may be considered an example of a component that contributes to prejudice. If students are the ones who decide whether or not to use academic assistance services, then the choice to do so may be tied to the students' academic success or to other attributes of themselves. If, for example, students who are having difficulty academically are more likely to enroll in academic support programs, then the pass rates for this group may be influenced by their pre-existing academic challenges. Comparing them directly to students who are not utilizing academic support could introduce bias into the analysis. In order to account for this bias, a more accurate comparison might entail matching or controlling for relevant variables. This would assure an accurate evaluation of the influence that academic assistance programs have on the percentage of students who complete their courses.

49. Fill in the blank: A problem is an obstacle to be solved, an issue is a topic to investigate, and a _____ is designed to discover information.


·        question

·        breakthrough

·        business task

·        theme

Explanation: The purpose of formulating a query is to unearth information.

50. Which of the following are examples of fairness in data analysis? Select all that apply.


·        Making sure a sample population represents all groups

·        Considering systematic factors that may influence data

·        Picking and choosing which data to include from a dataset

·        Factoring in social contexts that could create bias in conclusions

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