Week 2 – All about analytical thinking


1. A junior data analyst is seeking out new experiences in order to gain knowledge. They watch videos and read articles about data analytics. They ask experts questions. Which analytical skill are they using?


·        Data strategy

·        Having a technical mindset

·        Curiosity

·        Understanding context

Explanation: The young data analyst is displaying one of the analytical skills known as "Continuous Learning" or "Self-Education." They are continuously growing their expertise and keeping themselves updated about advances in the area of data analytics by actively searching out new experiences, watching videos, reading publications, and asking specialists questions. This dedication to continuous education is a significant analytical talent that assists professionals in remaining relevant and adapting to changes in their respective fields.


2. Identifying the motivation behind data collection and gathering additional information are examples of which analytical skill?


·        Data design

·        A technical mindset

·        Understanding context

·        Data strategy

Explanation: Critical thinking is an analytical talent that involves identifying the reason behind data collecting and acquiring more information. Two instances of critical thinking are shown below. Ability to examine and evaluate information, take into account a variety of viewpoints, and come to judgments based on that analysis and evaluation is critical thinking. When it comes to evaluating data and deriving useful insights, a deliberate and analytical approach is shown by having a knowledge of the goal of data collecting and obtaining further information.


3. Having a technical mindset is an analytical skill involving what?


·        Managing people, processes, and tools

·        Understanding the condition in which something exists or happens

·        Breaking things down into smaller steps or pieces

·        Balancing roles and responsibilities

Explanation: Being able to grasp and deal with technical ideas, systems, and tools is an essential part of having an analytical competence known as "having a technical mindset." It encompasses expertise in the management of technical information, the solution of problems via the use of technological procedures, and the ability to adapt to new technologies. A person who has a technical mentality is able to tackle difficult problems using a rational and methodical strategy, making effective use of their technical expertise to assess and find solutions to complex issues. This ability is very helpful in technological disciplines such as information technology, engineering, data analysis, and other related fields.


4. Fill in the blank: Data strategy involves _____ the people, processes, and tools used in data analysis.


·        supervising

·        managing

·        choosing

·        visualizing

Explanation: The process of harmonizing the people, processes, and technologies utilized in data analysis is part of the data strategy process.


5. Correlation is the aspect of analytical thinking that involves figuring out the specifics that help you execute a plan.


·        True

·        False

Explanation: In point of fact, the link or connection between two or more variables or components is what we mean when we talk about correlation in analytical thinking. Determining how changes in one variable relate to changes in another variable is a necessary step. The part of analytic thinking that entails working out the particulars of how to carry out a plan is more closely connected to the ideas of "Implementation" and "Execution Planning." In order to attain a goal or find a solution to a problem, it is necessary to translate analytical findings into measures that can be taken.


6. What method involves asking numerous questions in order to get to the root cause of a problem?


·        Strategizing

·        The five whys

·        Curiosity

·        Inquiry

Explanation: The "Five Whys" approach is a common name for the process that entails asking a number of questions in order to get to the bottom of an issue in order to find a solution to it. This technique entails asking the question "Why?" about the chain of cause-and-effect interactions that are associated with a problem on a consistent basis until the underlying problem or root cause is located. It assists in the uncovering of deeper levels of causality beyond the evident symptoms, and it tackles the root of the issue.

7. Gap analysis is a method for examining and evaluating how a process works currently in order to get where you want to be in the future.


·      True

·        False

Explanation: You have that totally correct! The present status of a procedure, system, or organization is evaluated and compared to the idealized version of that entity at some point in the future during a gap analysis. You may design a strategic plan to attain your objectives if you first identify the gaps or discrepancies that exist between the present state and the state you want it to be in the future. It is a great tool for identifying what aspects of the current situation need development or change in order to progress from where we are now to where we picture ourselves being in the future.

8. Data-driven decision-making involves the five analytical skills: curiosity, understanding context, having a technical mindset, data design, and data strategy. Each plays a role in data-driven decision-making.


·        True

·        False


Shuffle Q/A 1

9. Fill in the blank: The analytical skill of ______ involves seeking out new experiences in order to gain knowledge.


·        understanding context

·        having a technical mindset

·        data strategy

·        curiosity

Explanation: The critical thinking ability known as "Continuous Learning" entails actively seeking out new experiences for the purpose of expanding one's knowledge base.


10. Breaking things down into smaller steps or pieces and working with them in an orderly and logical way describes which analytical skill?


·        Data strategy

·        Context

·        Curiosity

·        A technical mindset

Explanation: The analytical skill known as "Analytical Decomposition" or "Problem Decomposition" refers to the process of disassembling anything into its component parts or stages and then working with those parts or steps in a methodical and sequential manner. This ability is being able to break down difficult situations into components that are more manageable and clear, so allowing for a more methodical and structured approach to problem solving.


11. In data analysis, data strategy is the analytical skill that involves managing which of the following? Select all that apply.


·        People

·        Consent

·        Tools

·        Processes

12. A grocery store owner notices that they sell more orange juice during the winter season, when people are more likely to get sick. After observing this for a couple of years, they decide to stock more orange juice during the winter. The store owner is using which quality of analytical thinking?


·        detail-oriented thinking

·        correlation

·        problem-orientation

·        visualization

Explanation: The proprietor of the grocery shop is exhibiting a kind of analytical thinking known as "Pattern Recognition." The proprietor realizes a connection exists between the four seasons and orange juice sales as a result of noticing a trend that has persisted over the course of a couple of years, namely, that more orange juice is sold during the winter, when people are more likely to fall ill. Because of this understanding of a recurrent trend, they are able to make an educated choice about whether or not to store extra orange juice throughout the winter season.


13. The five whys is a technique that involves asking, “Why?” five times in order to achieve what goal?


·        Identify the root cause of a problem

·        Visualize how a process should look in the future

·        Put a plan into action

·        Use facts to guide business strategy

Explanation: In order to get to the bottom of an issue, a strategy known as the "Five Whys" includes repeatedly asking the question "why?" By continually pondering the question of how and why a problem arose, the objective here is to unearth the underlying causes that are contributing to the problem. This approach helps find deeper levels of causality beyond the symptoms, which leads to a more thorough knowledge of the issue and makes it easier to solve it effectively.


14. In data analysis, one often examines and evaluates how a process currently works in order to get it to where they want it to be in the future. This is known as what?


·        Building a data visualization

·        Gap analysis

·        Determining the stakeholders

·        Asking the five whys

Explanation: "Gap Analysis" is a technique used in data analysis that involves investigating and assessing how a procedure operates at the present time with the goal of bringing it closer to the intended future state. An important part of doing a gap analysis is determining the gaps or disparities that exist between the present state and the one that is intended for the future. This paves the way for strategic planning to close those gaps and accomplish certain objectives. It is a rigorous technique to understanding the differences in processes or systems and addressing those differences.


15. A company is seeing a decline in organizational efficiency. They decide to hire an outside organization to help increase overall performance. The data analyst, working for the newly contracted company, utilizes five analytical skills: curiosity, understanding context, having a technical mindset, data design, and data strategy to deliver the project goals. Once the project goals are met, the analyst informs the decision makers of their findings and the project is completed. What strategy did the data analyst use to complete this project?


·        Gut instinct

·        Gap analysis

·        Data-driven decision-making

·        The five whys

Explanation: The data analyst in this case used a tactic that is consistent with the fundamentals of what is known as "Consultancy" or "External Consulting." This entails bringing in a firm or organization from the outside (in this example, the newly hired company) to give specialized knowledge and solutions in order to handle particular difficulties or enhance overall performance. The analyst was able to examine the organizational efficiency challenges and accomplish the project's objectives by using analytical skills such as curiosity, knowing context, having a technical mindset, having a data design, and having a data strategy. Informing those who make decisions about the results of the project and putting up alternatives to improve organizational performance are required to bring the project to a successful conclusion.


16. Identifying the motivation behind the collection of a dataset is an example of the analytical skill of understanding context.


·        True

·        False

Explanation: Without a doubt! It is a clear evidence of the analytical talent known as "Understanding Context" to be able to identify the reason that was behind the collecting of a dataset. Recognizing the larger conditions, aims, and intentions underlying data gathering is a need for this talent. This recognition is necessary to ensure that data analysis is carried out with a full grasp of the context in which the data was collected. It is very necessary to have this grasp of the context in order to get correct and useful insights from the data.


17. A technical mindset involves the ability to break things down into smaller steps or pieces and work with them in an orderly and logical way.


·        True

·        False

Explanation: You have it right! A technical mentality requires one to be able to deconstruct difficult issues into simpler, more manageable stages or parts, and then to attack those challenges in a sequential and rational way. This analytical talent is useful in a variety of technical disciplines, including information technology (IT), engineering, and data analysis, all of which need methodical approaches to problem-solving.


18. Data design is how you organize information; data strategy is the management of the people, processes, and tools used in data analysis.


·        True

·        False

Explanation: Right on! You have brilliantly summed up the core of both of these ideas in a single sentence. The process of arranging data in a manner that is both relevant and logical, while also guaranteeing that it can be accessed easily and is valuable for analysis is known as data design. On the other side, controlling the people, processes, and tools used in data analysis is a component of data strategy. This is done to ensure that these components are aligned with the aims and objectives of the business.

Shuffle Q/A 2

19. What method involves examining and evaluating how a process works currently in order to get where you want to be in the future?


·        The five whys

·        Strategy

·        Gap analysis

·        Data visualization

Explanation: "Gap Analysis" refers to the practice of analyzing and assessing how a procedure operates at the present time in order to bring about the necessary changes in its functioning at some point in the future. The present status and the future objectives are compared using gap analysis to determine any gaps or discrepancies that exist between the two. This information is then used in strategic planning to close the gaps and achieve the intended results. It's a methodical strategy for understanding differences in procedures or systems so you can handle them effectively.


20. Seeking out new challenges and experiences in order to learn is an example of which analytical skill?


·        Curiosity

·        Data strategy

·        Understanding context

·        Having a technical mindset

Explanation: An example of the analytic ability known as "Curiosity" is when a person actively seeks out new experiences and challenges in order to further their education. People who are curious are more likely to investigate, question, and seek information, all of which help to promote a mentality of lifelong learning. Maintaining an awareness of current events, adjusting to novel circumstances, and acquiring a more in-depth grasp of a variety of topics are all facilitated by it.


21. Which of the following examples best describe the analytical skill of understanding context? Select all that apply.


·        Adding descriptive headers to columns of data in a spreadsheet

·        Working with facts in an orderly manner

·        Gathering additional information about data to understand the broader picture

·        Identifying the motivation behind the collection of a dataset

22. Fill in the blank: In data analysis, data strategy involves managing the people, processes, and _____ .


·        projects

·        procedures

·        consent

·        tools

Explanation: Managing the people, processes, and technologies in an organization is what "data strategy" in data analysis means.


23. Identifying a relationship between two or more pieces of data is known as what?


·        visualization

·        correlation

·        problem-orientation

·        detail-oriented thinking

Explanation: The process of determining whether or not two or more sets of data are related is referred to as "correlation." The statistical link or dependency of variables may be measured using correlation, which indicates whether or not changes in one variable are connected to changes in another variable and how those changes are related. Understanding the relationships and patterns that exist within datasets is one of the most basic aspects of data analysis.


24. As a new data analyst, your boss asks you to perform a gap analysis on one of their current processes. What does this entail?


·        Building a data visualization

·        Asking the five whys

·        Examining and evaluating how a process works currently in order to get where you want to be in the future

·        Determining the stakeholders

25. Fill in the blank: In data-driven decision making, data analysts use five analytical skills of curiosity, understanding context, having a technical mindset, data design, and _______ .


·        data strategy

·        forward-looking

·        intuition

·        efficiency

Explanation: Data analysts use their five analytical skills in the process of generating decisions that are driven by data. These talents include curiosity, understanding context, having a technical mindset, data design, and data strategy.


26. The analytical skill of understanding context entails which of the following?


·        Breaking things down into smaller steps or pieces

·        Managing people, processes, and tools

·        Balancing roles and responsibilities

·        Understanding the condition in which something exists or happens

27. Fill in the blank: _____ involves the ability to break things down into smaller steps or pieces and work with them in an orderly and logical way.


·        Data strategy

·        Curiosity

·        Context

·        A technical mindset

Explanation: "Analytical Decomposition" refers to the skill of being able to break things down into more manageable stages or components and then work with those components in an orderly and logical manner.


28. Which analytical skill involves managing the people, processes, and tools used in data analysis?


·        Understanding context

·        Data design

·        Data strategy

·        Curiosity

Explanation: "Data Strategy" refers to the analytic competence that includes the management of the people, procedures, and technologies that are employed in data analysis.

Shuffle Q/A 3

29. The manager at a music shop notices that more trombones are repaired on the days when Alex and Jasmine work the same shift. After some investigation, the manager discovers that Alex is excellent at fixing slides, and Jasmine is great at shaping mouthpieces. Working together, Alex and Jasmine repair trombones faster. The manager is happy to have discovered this relationship and decides to always schedule Alex and Jasmine for the same shifts. In this scenario, the manager used which quality of analytical thinking?


·        Visualization

·        Problem-orientation

·        Correlation

·        Big-picture thinking

Explanation: This situation called for the managerial character trait of "Pattern Recognition," which refers to an aspect of analytical thinking. The manager saw a trend, and that was that when Alex and Jasmine worked the same shift, they were able to effectively fix more trombones. The management made the decision to schedule them together after seeing there was a link between their capabilities and the enhanced efficiency of the repair process. This allowed the manager to take use of their complimentary strengths. This is an application of analytical thinking in the real world, where it is used to improve the process of repairing something based on patterns and correlations that have been discovered.


30. Fill in the blank: In order to get to the root cause of a problem, a data analyst should ask “Why?” ________ times.


·        five

·        three

·        seven

·        four

Explanation: A data analyst should ask "Why?" numerous times, generally using the "Five Whys" approach, in order to get to the bottom of an issue and determine its underlying cause.


31. A company is receiving negative comments on social media about their products. To solve this problem, a data analyst uses each of their five analytical skills: curiosity, understanding context, having a technical mindset, data design, and data strategy. This makes it possible for the analyst to use facts to guide business strategy and figure out how to improve customer satisfaction. What is this an example of?


·        Data science

·        Gap analysis

·        Data-driven decision-making

·        Data visualization

Explanation: This is an example of making decisions based on the info available. The data analyst is using their analytical talents to examine the unfavorable comments made on social media. These skills include curiosity, recognizing context, having a technological mindset, data design, and data strategy. The analyst advises the company plan to increase customer satisfaction by using the facts and insights generated from the data. The process of making judgments based on the analysis of data is known as data-driven decision-making, and it is an essential component of using analytical abilities to enhance a company's operations.


32. Data analysts following data-driven decision-making use the analytical skills of curiosity, having a technical mindset, and data design. What other two analytical skills would they employ? Select all that apply.


·        knowledge

·        data strategy

·        efficiency

·        understanding context

33. Curiosity is the analytical skill of using your instinct to solve problems.


·        True

·        False

34. Adding descriptive headers to columns of data in a spreadsheet is an example of which analytical skill?


·        Having a technical mindset

·        Understanding context

·        Data strategy

·        Curiosity

Explanation: One example of the analytical skill known as "Data Design" is the practice of adding descriptive headers to the columns of data included inside a spreadsheet. The process of designing data entails arranging and organizing the data in a manner that makes it transparent, comprehensible, and readily available for analysis. The data may be better labeled and organized into categories with the use of descriptive headers, which also improves the dataset's general usability.


35. A company has recently tasked their data science team with figuring out what is causing the decline in production at one of their plants. The data analysts ask a number of questions trying to get to the root cause of the problem. This technique is known as what?


·        Inquiry

·        The five whys

·        Curiosity

·        Strategizing

Explanation: The method that the data science team used, which consisted of asking a series of questions in order to get to the bottom of the precipitous drop in productivity, is referred to as the "Five Whys" strategy. In this approach, the question "Why?" is asked in a repetitive fashion in order to unearth deeper levels of causality and determine the underlying reasons that are contributing to an issue. It contributes to the methodical investigation of the underlying causes of a problem and the discovery of workable solutions.


36. Fill in the blank: Data analysts use the five analytical skills of curiosity, understanding context, having a technical mindset, data design, and data strategy to make _____ decisions.


·        forward-looking

·        data-driven

·        intuitive

·        more efficient

Explanation: For the purpose of arriving at well-informed conclusions, data analysts use the five analytical skills of curiosity, understanding context, having a technical mindset, data design, and data strategy.


37. Fill in the blank: Gathering additional information about data to understand the broader picture is an example of understanding _____.


·        data

·        knowledge

·        problems

·        context

Explanation: One example of having a "contextual" knowledge is when one gathers more data-related information with the goal of better seeing the whole picture.


38. Data analysts ask, “Why?” five times in order to get to the root cause of a problem.


·        True

·        False

Shuffle Q/A 4

39. Curiosity is an analytical skill that involves which of the following?


·        Seeking out new challenges and experiences

·        Working with facts in an orderly manner

·        Collaborating to solve a problem

·        Using your gut instinct

40. A data analyst works for an appliance manufacturer. Last year, the company’s profits were down. Lower profits can be a result of fewer people buying appliances, higher costs to make appliances, or a combination of both. The analyst recognizes that those are big issues to solve, so they break down the problems into smaller pieces to analyze them in an orderly way. Which analytical skill is the data analyst using?


·        Data strategy

·        A technical mindset

·        Understanding context

·        Curiosity

Explanation: The data analyst is making use of the analytical technique known as "Analytical Decomposition." Analytical decomposition is the process of breaking down difficult issues into its component parts that are more manageable and concise. In this instance, the analyst is paring down the more substantial problems of decreased profits into more manageable components. This makes it possible for a more ordered and methodical investigation of each component, such as the variables impacting appliance sales and manufacturing costs.

41. Fill in the blank: Correlation is the observation that there is a _____ between two or more pieces of data.


·        visualization

·        competition

·        choice

·        relationship

Explanation: The discovery that there is a connection between two or more pieces of data is what we mean when we talk about correlation.

42. An airport wants to make its luggage-handling process faster and simpler for travelers. A data analyst examines and evaluates how the process works currently in order to achieve the goal of a more efficient process. What methodology do they use?


·        Strategy

·        Gap analysis

·        Data visualization

·        The five whys

Explanation: "Process Improvement" or "Business Process Optimization" refers to the approach that the data analyst is using to investigate and assess how the luggage-handling process works today in order to accomplish the objective of a more efficient process. This goal is to achieve a more efficient process. This entails doing an analysis of a process in its present condition, finding areas in which it may be improved, and putting into action adjustments that will make the process more effective and efficient. The idea is to improve results while simultaneously streamlining processes so that they are more in line with the goals of the company.

43. Fill in the blank: A data analyst with a technical mindset would break things down into smaller steps or pieces and work with them in an orderly and ______ way.


·        curious

·        clever

·        creative

·        logical

Explanation: A data analyst that has a technical mentality will break things down into more manageable parts or pieces, and then work with those steps or pieces in an organized and logical manner.

44. As a recently promoted data scientist one of your responsibilities is the implementation of data strategy. What would this responsibility include?


·        Identifying a relationship between two or more pieces of data

·        Evaluating how a process works currently in order to get where you want to be in the future

·        Breaking things down into smaller steps or pieces and working with them in an orderly and logical way

·        Managing the people, processes, and tools involved

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