Week 4 – Applying Agile In The Organization


1. Fill in the blank: You can make sure your team delivers value to customers by building the right thing, the thing right, and _____.


·        running it cheaply

·        selling it right

·        scaling as fast as possible

·        running it right

Explanation: You may ensure that your team provides value to clients by ensuring that they create the appropriate item, creating it correctly, and doing it as rapidly as possible.


2. Which of the following are components of a typical value roadmap? Select all that apply.


·        A product vision

·        A product playbook

·        A release plan

·        A product roadmap

·        A mission statement


3. Fill in the blank: In a release plan, product releases happen when _____.


·        the project is complete and the team has delivered the final product

·        the customer has asked for the release of a given feature or requirement

·        the feature or requirement is in development and is being iterated upon

·        the team has developed a working version of a given feature or requirement

Explanation: Product releases are something that occurs according to a release strategy when certain features or functions have been finished and are judged suitable for distribution.

4. Which of the following are product roadmap best practices? Select all that apply.


·        Fine-tune delivery dates for accuracy well in advance.

·        Make the roadmap highly noticeable to the team and refer to it frequently.

·        Indicate highest priority and highest value items.

·        Conduct regular reviews with sponsors, stakeholders, and the team.

·        Inform the team you finalized the roadmap.

·        Make the roadmap highly visible to stakeholders.


5. Imagine you’re a project manager creating a project roadmap. You meet with the Product Owner to estimate the team’s capacity and velocity—their ability to complete work at a certain pace. Which Agile principle does this scenario represent?


·        Agile processes promote sustainable development—the team developers should be able to maintain a constant workload.

·        Deliver working software frequently, with a preference to the shorter timescale.

·        Stakeholders and the team developers must work together daily throughout the project

·        At regular intervals, the development team meets to reflect on how to become more effective

Explanation: The example exemplifies the "Sustainable Pace" notion that underpins the Agile methodology. The concept places an emphasis on the significance of ensuring that the development team works at a rate that is both constant and able to be sustained over time. The project manager will ensure that the workload of the team is reasonable by scheduling a meeting with the Product Owner to estimate the team's capacity and velocity. This will allow the team to continuously produce value throughout the course of the project without experiencing burnout or undue stress. When it comes to fostering a healthy working environment and attaining long-term productivity with agile development, maintaining a sustainable pace is essential.

6. As a project manager, your organization makes a shift to Agile. To create a sense of urgency, which questions should you ask your team about what’s working, and what’s not working right now?


·        How can we change the company’s stated mission or values to better align with our work?

·        What can we do to cut costs in our product creation and Sprint process?

·        What allows our competitors to outperform us and get their products and features to market more quickly?

·        How can we help you become more productive and supported in your work?

7. Imagine you are a project manager overseeing the adoption of Agile at your organization. To smooth the transition, you define specific outcomes. You also make sure the measures are visible to the entire team throughout the change. Which of the three keys to influence does this scenario demonstrate?


·        Leverage the six sources of influence

·        Clarify measurable results

·        Find vital behaviors

Explanation: Visibility is the key to influence, and this example illustrates why it's so important. One strategy that improves both transparency and communication is one that makes the particular outcomes and metrics that are being measured public to the whole team. You may use visibility to influence and direct the move to Agile techniques by making sure that the team can see and understand the objectives and progress. Visibility contributes to the development of a shared understanding, the synchronization of everyone's efforts toward common goals, and the cultivation of a feeling of joint responsibility for the results.

8. Imagine you are a project manager overseeing a new set design for a local news network. You notice your team is becoming overwhelmed with critical feedback from producers. Then, your team informs you that they no longer want to receive feedback from the producers. Which Agile principle do these issues impact the most?


·        Business collaboration

·        Team dynamics and culture

·        Retrospectives

·        Value delivery

Explanation: The problems with receiving too much negative feedback and the unwillingness of the team to accept input are consistent with the Agile philosophy of "Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools." This concept places a greater emphasis on the significance of appreciating individuals and the relationships they have with one another than it does on strictly adhering to predetermined procedures or depending entirely on technologies.

9. What can you do to avoid making too many or unfounded product assumptions? Select all that apply.


·        Ask the Product Owner to double-check and approve assumptions.

·        Discuss assumptions as a team.

·        Conduct surveys or focus groups to double-check assumptions, where necessary.

·        Reuse assumptions from similar, past projects.

·        Document assumptions and make them transparent to all.


10. Which of the following scaled Agile frameworks involve Scrum Masters meeting frequently to better coordinate work on a single product across teams?


·        Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD)

·        Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)

·        Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)

·        Scrum of Scrums

Explanation: The version of the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) known as "Large Solution SAFe" requires Scrum Masters to have regular meetings in order to improve the coordination of work being done by several teams on a single product. Within the SAFe architecture, the big Solution SAFe configuration is a configuration created for businesses working on big, complex solutions that need several Agile Release Trains (ARTs) to cooperate on a shared purpose. Large Solution SAFe was developed for these types of organizations. The regular coordination meetings, which include Scrum Masters, assist guarantee that many teams working on the same product are aligned, collaborating, and synchronized with one another.

Shuffle Q/A 1

11. As a project manager or Scrum Master, what can you do to ensure your team is focused on value-driven delivery? Select all that apply.


·        Build the thing right

·        Build the right thing

·        Run it right

·        Run it fast

12. What is the purpose of the product vision in a value roadmap? Select all that apply.


·         It defines a high-level view of product requirements.

·         It defines who will use the product.

·         It defines what the product is.

13. Which of the following provides an overview of the expected product, its high-level requirements, and an estimated schedule for reaching milestones?


·        A product roadmap

·        A product vision

·        A value playbook

·        A Product Backlog

Explanation: A "Product Roadmap" will generally include an overview of the anticipated product, its high-level requirements, and a projected timeframe for attaining milestones in the product development process. A product roadmap is a document that explains the goal, direction, and timeframe for the development of a product. It is part of the strategic planning process. It does this by presenting a high-level picture of the product's features, priorities, and scheduled releases throughout time, which helps bring the team and the stakeholders into alignment.


14. What are some of the benefits of developing and maintaining a product roadmap? Select all that apply.


·        Teams and stakeholders understand of the sequence of deliverables

·        Teams understand how their efforts relate to the project vision

·        Stakeholders meet with the Product Owner less frequently throughout the project

·        Stakeholders notice incremental value over the course of the project

15. You are a project manager in the initial stages of planning a project. You want to closely adhere to the Agile principle of maintaining a constant pace. What factor is important to establish and monitor as the project progresses?


·        Team capacity and velocity

·        Project roadmap

·        Product vision

·        Story and epic

Explanation: Establishing and keeping track of the "Velocity" of the team is a key step in ensuring that the Agile tenet of "maintaining a constant pace" is strictly adhered to. In Agile, the term "velocity" refers to the quantity of work that a team is able to do in a given period of time. This amount of work is often quantified in story points or other equivalent units. Through the process of measuring velocity, both the team and the project manager are able to obtain insights about the capacity and delivery speed of the team.

Establishing velocity requires understanding the team's previous performance and capability. Monitoring velocity during the project enables the team to keep a steady and sustainable pace, which is beneficial to the overall success of the endeavor. It enables realistic planning, assists in the identification of possible problems or bottlenecks, and lends support to the notion of providing a constant flow of value over the course of time.

16. Imagine you are a project manager leading Agile adoption at an organization. Why is it important that you find an executive sponsor to support the change? Select all that apply.


·        It helps to create a sense of ownership for the change you are creating.

·        It increases your chances of successfully shifting organizational culture.

·        It guarantees an increase in the project’s budget.

·        It helps to answer your team’s questions about what’s working and what’s not working right now.

17. You are a project manager for a company that is changing their feedback reporting process. To facilitate this change, you create a form for each team member to fill out every week. You send out a reminder email two days before the form is due. Which of the six sources of influence does this scenario demonstrate?


·        Personal ability

·        Personal motivation

·        Social motivation

·        Structural ability

Explanation: This example serves to illustrate the kind of source of influence that is referred to as "Personal Motivation." The project manager is able to influence individual motivation and behavior by having each member of the team fill out a form once each week and sending out a reminder email two days before the form is due. The objective is to encourage members of the team to offer feedback on a regular basis by developing a method that is both organized and timely, therefore highlighting the significance of the contributions they make to the feedback reporting process.


18. Does a low level of interpersonal conflict mean that a team is experiencing issues?


·        Yes. A team that rarely has disagreements is not committed enough to the work.

·        No. A team that rarely has disagreements is more productive than a team that disagrees frequently.

·        Sometimes. If a team rarely has disagreements, it could mean team members don’t feel safe stating their opinions.

Explanation: Certainly not in every case. It is possible that a peaceful and cooperative atmosphere exists inside a team when there is a continuously low degree of interpersonal conflict; however, this does not necessarily imply that there are no problems within the team. Teams may have low levels of conflict when there is excellent communication, common values, and strong teamwork, all of which are typically desirable characteristics.

However, it is vital to take into consideration the setting and character of the task that the team is doing. In some circumstances, the absence of conflict may be an indication that members of the team are avoiding essential talks or are not expressing varied points of view. When handled in a positive manner, constructive conflict may be a catalyst for creativity, enhanced decision-making, and enhanced group dynamics.

In order to get a complete comprehension of the dynamics of the team, it is necessary to evaluate the lack of conflict in combination with other aspects, such as the availability of open communication, the level of participation from team members, and the capacity to successfully face obstacles.


19. Making too many assumptions about a product can cause an unstable product roadmap. What actions can a project manager take to lessen the impact these assumptions might have? Select all that apply.


·        Check assumptions against unbiased user research

·        Keep assumptions within the development team

·        Document the assumptions and make them transparent

·        Never make an assumption without proper knowledge

20. Fill in the blank: A(n) _____ is a guide that demonstrates where to go, how to get there, and what to accomplish along the way in order to maximize value.


·        release roadmap

·        capacity roadmap

·        requirement roadmap

·        value roadmap

Explanation: A guide that illustrates where to go, how to get there, and what to do along the route in order to maximize value is referred to as a(n) roadmap.


21. You create a release plan for a new project. You include the estimated release date, company holidays and the business goals. What else can you add to this release plan to help the team stay focused?


·        A backlog of items required for the release goal

·        Milestones for the development of future releases

·        Feedback from stakeholders on the project timeline

·        Use cases for the features in the release

22. Fill in the blank: As an Agile project manager, you constantly refer to a _____ to keep the team motivated by connecting the work they do in the sprints to a bigger picture.


·        product roadmap

·        release date

·        project vision

·        high-value feature

Explanation: As the manager of an Agile project, it is your responsibility to continually refer to a product vision in order to maintain the team's motivation by showing how the work they do between sprints contributes to a larger goal.

Shuffle Q/A 2

23. Imagine you are a project manager creating release plans for a new cloud storage service. Your team is performing well, so you decide to push up the estimated release date. Which specific factors do you take into account to make your decision?


·        The team’s size and the customer’s budget

·        The team’s experience and the customer’s timeline

·        The team’s willingness and work ethic

·        The team’s capacity and velocity

24. What is the process of getting people to adopt a new product, approach, or value system?


·        Organizational culture

·        Project management

·        Change management

·        Agile practices

Explanation: The process of encouraging individuals to embrace a new product, technique, or value system is frequently referred to as "Change Management," and it is usually referred to as "change management." Individuals, groups, and whole organizations must all go through this process of transitioning from their present condition to the one that they want to be in in order for change management to be successful.


25. As a project manager, you need to rebuild trust and collaboration between the development team and the business team. What actions can you take to accomplish this? Select all that apply.


·        Address critical feedback with more demos

·        Add changes to backlog only in between sprints

·        Focus on fewer user stories per sprint

·        Conduct a Solution Design sprint

26. What can you do to address instability when people leave and join your team frequently? Select all that apply.


·        Use financial incentives to keep team members from leaving.

·        Schedule shorter sprints so departing team members can wrap up work.

·        Create a quick onboarding process for new team members.

·        Use pair programming so new team members can learn on the job.

27. Which of the following scaled Agile frameworks is organized into four layers: Foundation, Disciplined DevOps, Value Streams, and Disciplined Agile Enterprise?


·        Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)

·        Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)

·        The Spotify Model (SoM)

·        Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD)

Explanation: The Disciplined Agile (DA) framework is a scaled Agile framework that is divided into four layers: Foundation, Disciplined DevOps, Value Streams, and Disciplined Agile Enterprise.


28. As a project manager, what questions can you ask your Agile team to ensure they “run it right”? Select all that apply.


·        How will users get updates and new features?

·        What long-term value will this product give users?

·        How will a user get support?

·        How can the product reach more users?

29. Imagine you are a project manager for a software company. Your team plans to develop a new learning management system (LMS) for a local school district by the end of the quarter. Which of the following factors can potentially push back your release plan date? Select all that apply.


·        The school district increases the project budget and provides additional resources.

·        A member of your development team leaves to take a new job.

·        The Product Owner expands the project to include two additional school districts.

·        Your team realizes an epic will take more time to complete than anticipated.

30. Fill in the blank: When overseeing Agile adoption in your organization, you find an executive sponsor who supports the change. The sponsor can help create a sense of _____.


·        obligation

·        ownership

·        success

·        innovation

Explanation: You must look for an executive sponsor inside your business who is willing to back the change in order to successfully manage the deployment of Agile. The sponsor is able to contribute to the creation of a feeling of urgency.


31. Imagine you are a project manager for a company that adopts a new invoicing process. You schedule training sessions so each team member can develop the individual skills they need to complete the new process. Which of the six sources of influence does this scenario demonstrate?


·        Social ability

·        Personal ability

·        Personal motivation

·        Social motivation

Explanation: The "Personal Motivation" part of the six sources of influence is shown by the scenario in which a project manager plans training sessions for team members to develop individual skills required for a new invoicing process. These training sessions are designed to help team members develop individual skills necessary for the new invoicing process. In this scenario, the project manager is exerting influence on individual members of the team by offering them the opportunity to participate in training that will help them improve their skills and capacities. As a result, these individuals are being motivated to successfully embrace the new invoicing process and contribute to its overall success.


32. Imagine you are a project manager for a mobile game that is experiencing significant technical issues. While working on the update, your team members appear unhappy and arrive at work late. What can you do to boost morale and improve the quality of deliverables? Select all that apply.


·        Run a team brainstorm session to identify areas for improvement

·        Push back the next release date to give the team more time

·        Take a training class on team dynamics and how to better work together

·        Change up the workflows by pairing people to work together on hard tasks

33. As the Product Owner, you have promised that the new software will be ready in six months even though you are not confident that it will be. What cause of an unstable roadmap does this describe?


·        Product ambition

·        Over-promising

·        Product assumptions

·        Product vision

Explanation: Although you are the Product Owner, if you promise a delivery date for the new software without being certain that it will be available in six months, this is the source of an unstable roadmap described as "Overcommitment or Overpromising." When project stakeholders, such as Product Owners, make expectations that are unreasonable or too optimistic about the delivery timetable or scope of a project, this is an example of overcommitment. This may lead to difficulties in achieving deadlines, concerns with the product's quality, and increasing strain on the team responsible for its creation.

In the field of project management, one of the most prevalent pitfalls is called overcommitment, and it has the potential to destabilize a roadmap by bringing about ambiguity and producing a mismatch between expectations and reality. In order to have a stable and trustworthy roadmap, it is vital for Product Owners and project managers to establish objectives that are reasonable and attainable, communicate openly about timescales, and manage the expectations of stakeholders.


34. Fill in the blank: Core values of the Scaled Agile Framework(SAFe) are alignment and ____.


·        acceptance

·        frugality

·        transparency

·        quality

Explanation: Alignment and openness are two of the core ideals upheld by the Scaled Agile Framework, often known as SAFe.

Shuffle Q/A 3

35. What is the first Agile principle?


·        Satisfy the customer through value-driven delivery

·        Satisfy the customer through mission-driven delivery

·        Save the customer time through speed-driven delivery

·        Save the customer money through cost-driven delivery

36. What are the components of a typical value roadmap?


·        A product vision, a product roadmap, and release plans

·        A product roadmap, a vision statement, and development plans

·        A product roadmap, a mission statement, and release plans

·        A product vision, a mission statement, and development plans

37. You create a new project roadmap that is visually appealing and contains all the information for the stakeholders to reference. However, this document took a lot of time to create and has caused some delays in the timeline. Which of the following roadmap pitfalls does this scenario represent?


·        Putting more work into it than the deliverables

·        Pressuring teams to improve deadlines

·        Pressuring teams to achieve deadlines no matter what

·        Putting less work into it than the deliverables

Explanation: The issue associated with generating a roadmap that is known as "Over-Engineering" describes a situation in which the creation of a project roadmap that is visually attractive required a lot of time and caused delays in the deadline. When there is an excessive or needless investment of time, money, or complexity in the creation of a roadmap or other project documents, this practice is known as over-engineering, and it may cause delays in the timetables for project completion.

In this particular instance, the emphasis placed on making the roadmap seem visually attractive may have led to an increase in the amount of time spent above what was required, which may have caused a delay in the overall execution of the project. It is essential to strike a balance between the requirements for effective communication and visual attractiveness, as well as the necessity to make optimal use of project resources and stick to established deadlines. The delivery of the project on time might be impacted negatively if an excessive focus is placed on aesthetics or other things that are not required.


38. What is the measure of the team’s ability to complete work at a certain pace?


·        Story and epic

·        A product roadmap

·        A release plan

·        Capacity and velocity

Explanation: The term "Velocity" refers to the degree to which a team is able to fulfill its assigned tasks within a certain amount of time. The quantity of work that a team is able to do within an iteration or sprint is quantified with the use of a statistic called velocity, which is utilized in Agile techniques, most notably Scrum. It is often represented as the total of the story points or other estimating units connected with the user stories or jobs that have been completed within a certain time limit.

The velocity metric offers insights into the capacity of the team and assists in the planning of future iterations by forecasting the amount of work that can be completed by the group. It does not indicate individual productivity but rather the overall production of the team as a whole. The ability to set a meaningful baseline for planning and ongoing development gives teams the ability to monitor velocity over the course of numerous sprints.


39. As a project manager, you want to increase the involvement of a key stakeholder in the development process. Your team has just finished designing a new feature. You reach out to the stakeholder for feedback before the feature is implemented. Which key to influence are you demonstrating?


·        Leverage the six sources of influence

·        Clarify measurable results

·        Find vital behaviors

Explanation: The key to influence, known as "Personal Motivation," is shown when a key stakeholder is contacted in order to get input prior to the implementation of a feature. You are trying to encourage the stakeholder's active engagement in the development process by actively engaging them to offer input and feedback on the design. In this context, you are actively engaging the stakeholder to provide input and feedback on the design. It is possible to improve cooperation, assure alignment with expectations, and raise the possibility of delivering a product or feature that satisfies the needs and requirements of stakeholders by asking for early input from those who have a stake in the project.


40. What two problems commonly arise when you fail to implement Scrum completely? Select all that apply.


·        A loss of clear roles and responsibilities

·        A decrease in customer satisfaction

·        A temptation to skip events or blend them to save time

·        An increase in interpersonal conflict

Explanation: It's possible that teams won't be able to fully realize the advantages of Scrum due to incomplete implementation. These benefits include enhanced cooperation and flexibility, as well as the capacity to create high-quality products. It is essential to stick to the principles and practices of Scrum in an exhaustive manner in order to overcome these difficulties and establish an environment for software development that is more effective and transparent.


41. Fill in the blank: DevOps combines software development with _____.


·        Scrum operations

·        Business operations

·        Change management operations

·        Information Technology (IT) operations

Explanation: DevOps is an approach that brings together software development and IT operations.


42. How often should stakeholders and team members review a project roadmap?


·        Multiple times throughout all stages of the project

·        Multiple times during the execution phase

·        Once at the beginning of the planning phase

·        Once at the end when the product is delivered

43. You are a project manager at a company adopting the Agile approach. The team is intimidated by working in sprints, so you promise each team member a gift card at the end of the first sprint. Which of the six sources of influence does this scenario demonstrate?


·        Social motivation

·        Personal ability

·        Structural motivation

·        Personal motivation

Explanation: The "Incentive" part of the six sources of influence is shown by the scenario in which a project manager offers a gift card to each member of the team at the conclusion of the first sprint in order to reduce the members' apprehension with regard to working in sprints. In this scenario, the project manager is providing the team with an incentive in the form of positive reinforcement (gift cards) in order to incentivize and urge them to accept and participate in the Agile methodology, more especially working in sprints.

It is vital to examine the long-term sustainability of such rewards and to ensure that they match with the concepts of Agile, which stress intrinsic motivation, cooperation, and a focus on providing value. While incentives may be successful in increasing motivation, it is necessary to consider the long-term sustainability of such awards and to ensure that they align with the principles of Agile. Instead than depending entirely on external incentives, the ultimate aim is for teams, over the course of time, to embrace the Agile principles for the intrinsic advantages they offer to the process of product creation.


44. What can cause an unstable product roadmap? Select all that apply.


·     Product assumptions

·        Product vision

·        Product ambition

·        Product plan

45. What is the purpose of the product roadmap in a value roadmap? Select all that apply.


·        It provides a high-level view of requirements.

·        It identifies the end users of the product.

·        It outlines a tentative schedule for reaching milestones.

·        It defines how the product will support customers’ business strategies.

Explanation: It is very necessary for businesses to take a proactive approach to addressing these problems and to implement agile and adaptable processes in order to reduce the risk of instability in their product roadmaps. Maintaining a reliable and useful roadmap may be facilitated by doing routine evaluations, maintaining open lines of communication, and placing an emphasis on adaptability and reactivity.


46. As a project manager, you plan the release dates for your new project. What release date(s) should never be moved?


·        All of them

·        None of them

·        Only the last

·        Only the first

Explanation: Although it is preferable that these dates stay unchanged, it is crucial to keep in mind that unanticipated events, such as severe flaws, security vulnerabilities, or other pressing concerns, may necessitate alterations. In situations like these, it is very necessary to communicate openly and honestly with the many stakeholders of the project, manage their expectations, and minimize the effect the situation has on the overall project timetable. In order to maintain a healthy balance between flexibility and commitment, it is important to conduct regular evaluations and make adjustments after giving them some serious consideration.


Shuffle Q/A 4

47. Which of the following are components of a typical value roadmap? Select all that apply.


·        A product roadmap

·        A mission statement

·        A product vision

·        A release plan

48. Fill in the blank: Core values of the Scaled Agile Framework(SAFe) are alignment and ____.


·        quality

·        transparency

·        acceptance

·        frugality

Alignment and built-in quality are at the center of what the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) considers to be its most important values.

49. Fill in the blank: In a release plan, product releases happen when _____.


·        the project is complete and the team has delivered the final product

·        the customer has asked for the release of a given feature or requirement

·        the feature or requirement is in development and is being iterated upon

·        the team has developed a working version of a given feature or requirement

Explanation: Within the context of a release plan, product releases take place at the point in time at which the intended features or scope for a particular release have been finished and are prepared for deployment. Planning a release requires coordinating the delivery of features and functionality within a certain timeline. This helps to ensure that the product will be launched in a well-defined and gradual way. When an agreed-upon set of features has been built, tested, and shown to fulfill the requisite quality requirements for deployment, the release is considered ready to go.

50. In Agile, to “Build the right thing” ensures your team focuses on what?


·        Solution-oriented delivery

·        Value-driven delivery

·        Process-value delivery

·        High-value delivery

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