Test your knowledge: Time estimation

 1. What are the benefits of providing accurate time estimates for individual tasks? Select all that apply.


  •        They enable you to avoid purchasing expensive project management software.
  •         They help you accurately track task progress.
  •         They help you predict if a milestone may go over a deadline.
  •         They establish a better sense of the overall project timeline.

2. As a project manager, you try to get an accurate time estimate for a task by communicating with an expert. After considering their time estimate, you are unsure if it includes all steps of a task, so you ask them to explain each step in detail.

What strategy for getting an accurate time estimate did you choose?


  •          Assess the expert’s confidence level in their estimate.
  •          Ask the expert how likely they think it is that an assumption might not work out and how it would affect their estimate.
  •          Check the expert’s understanding of the task.
  •          Check the expert’s estimates against the actual time spent on similar tasks in previous work.

Explanation: There is no obvious connection between the alternative choice, which states that "They enable you to avoid purchasing expensive project management software," and the advantages of giving accurate time estimates for both individual jobs. There are a variety of features and advantages that may be offered by project management software in addition to time estimation; nonetheless, it is crucial to have accurate time estimates regardless of the program that is being used. Because of this, this choice does not apply to the advantages that come with time estimation calculations.

3. As a project manager, you try to get an accurate time estimate for a task by communicating with an expert. After receiving their time estimate, you ask questions like, “What equipment do you suppose you’ll have?” and “How many people do you expect to work on the task?”

What strategy for getting an accurate time estimate did you choose?


  •          Ask the expert how likely it is that assumptions they have might not work out and how it would affect their estimate.
  •          Check the expert’s estimates against the actual time spent on similar tasks in previous work.
  •          Discuss the assumptions the expert may be making when they give an estimate.
  •          Assess the expert’s confidence level in their estimate.

Explanation: You may achieve this by asking questions such as, "What kind of equipment do you think you'll have?" In addition to "How many people do you expect to work on the task?" During the process of generating the time estimate, the project manager is doing an investigation into the assumptions that the expert is making. For the purpose of ensuring that the estimate is accurate and identifying any possible risks or uncertainties that may have an effect on the length of the job, it is essential to have a solid understanding of these assumptions.

4. As a project manager, you try to get an accurate time estimate for a task by communicating with an expert. You ask them to think back to a task that resembles the one for this project and describe what was the same, what was different, and if thinking about this previous task changes their estimate.

What strategy for getting an accurate time estimate did you choose?


  •          Ask the expert how likely they think it is that their assumptions might not work out and how it would affect their estimate.
  •          Check their understanding of the task.
  •          Check the expert’s estimates against the actual time spent on similar tasks.
  •           Discuss the assumptions the expert may be making when they give an estimate.

Explanation: The project manager is urging the expert to analyze the assumptions they are making when delivering the estimate by asking them to reflect back to a job that is similar to the one they are now working on and explain what was the same, what was different, and whether or not thinking about this prior task affects their estimate. With the aid of this debate, any possible biases or variables that have been neglected that might have an impact on the accuracy of the estimate are brought to light.

5. What type of time estimate considers how long it takes to complete a task, plus the time it takes to test the product?


  •         Effort estimate
  •         Conservative estimate
  •         Timeline estimate
  •         Total duration estimate

6. Peta spoke with Seydou about how long it would take for the tablets to arrive. What are some risks that might affect the time estimate for shipping and receiving the tablets? Select all that apply.


  •           A repair fee to fix broken devices
  •           Tablets shipping with outdated software
  •           Broken devices
  • ·        A shipping delay

Explanation: Tablets that arrive in a damaged or non-functional form would need replacements or repairs prior to their distribution, which would result in delays in the deployment process. It is possible that the tablets may not arrive on time due to delays in the shipping procedure, which might be caused by logistical challenges or transportation problems. This would have an effect on the date that was originally planned for their deployment.

7. Peta spoke with Deanna about how long it should take to finalize menu items and coupon values. What are some risks that might affect the time estimate for uploading menu and coupon content? Select all that apply.


  •          Restaurant customers are not interested in coupons
  •          Waitstaff have not yet been trained to use the tablets
  •          Carter’s schedule can be unpredictable

Explanation: It is possible that the timeframe that was established for completing and uploading menu items and coupon values might be disrupted if Carter, who may be responsible for uploading the information, has an erratic schedule.

8. Based on the tablet shipping estimate transcript, what time estimate is appropriate for the tablet shipping schedule?


  •         14 days
  •         10 days
  •         5 days
  •         3 days

9. Which of the following pieces of information should Peta consider when determining the confidence rating for the wiring time estimate? Select all that apply.


  •          The team is still waiting for the menu update
  •          The restaurant has attempted table wiring at least once before
  •          The electrician is confident in the amount of time they need to complete the wiring
  •          The team’s level of confidence in the time estimate

10. The meeting notes state that Sauce & Spoon has never integrated tablet software with their POS system before and may need to upgrade the system before starting the integration. What confidence rating is appropriate for the POS system time estimates?


  •         High
  •         Medium
  •         Low

Explanation: A low confidence rating would be suitable for the time estimations for the point-of-sale (POS) system because of the uncertainty that surrounds the integration process owing to the lack of past experience and the possibility that system modifications would be required. This grade is a reflection of the possibility that the integration process may consist of unforeseen difficulties or delays, which may have an impact on the accuracy of the time estimations.

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