Module 1: Network Architecture

Q: What is the term for a group of connected devices?

  • Cloud
  • Protocol
  • Network 
  • Hub

Explanation: A collection of computers, servers, mainframes, network devices, peripherals, or other devices that are linked to one another to facilitate the sharing of data and resources is referred to as a network. It is possible to classify networks according to their size (for example, a Local Area Network (LAN) or a Wide Area Network (WAN), their purpose, or their design.

Q: A _____ broadcasts information to every device on the network.

  • router
  • modem
  • switch
  • hub 
Explanation: Transmits information to each and every device on the network by simply repeating receiving data packets to all of the ports.

Q: Which of the following statements accurately describe switches? Select all that apply.

  • When a switch receives a data packet, it reads the MAC address of the destination device and maps it to a port. 
  • Switches are less secure than hubs.
  • Some benefits to switches are effective control of traffic flow and improved network performance.                        
  • A switch is a device that makes connections between specific devices on a network by sending and receiving data between them. 
Explanation: Switches make use of media access control (MAC) addresses to decide which port to transmit the data packet to, so guaranteeing that it eventually reaches the appropriate device. Switches can effectively control data flow, hence lowering the likelihood of collisions and congestion, which ultimately results in improved network performance. Switches are devices that link several devices inside a network and simplify communication between those devices by transmitting data straight to the device that is going to receive it.

Q: What are some of the benefits cloud service providers (CSPs) offer security professionals? Select all that apply.

  • CSPs provide business analytics to monitor web traffic and sales. 
  • CSP servers, applications, and network services are hosted on local physical devices.
  • CSPs can save an organization money by offering processing power that is only paid for as needed. 
  • CSPs offer online services and web applications that can be accessed from any location. 

Explanation: CSPs often give companies tools and services that provide insights on web traffic and revenues, therefore assisting businesses in making more informed choices.CSPs often adopt a pay-as-you-go approach, which enables firms to scale resources up or down depending on demand. This allows organizations to save money not just on idle processing power but also on those charges. With the ability to access their services and apps from any location with an internet connection, cloud service providers make it possible for employees to work remotely and collaborate with one another.

Q: What is the purpose of the footer of a data packet?

  • To contain the source IP address
  • To show the MAC address of the destination device
  • To signal to the receiving device that the packet is finished 
  • To identify the message to be transmitted to the receiving device
Explanation: The footer, which is often referred to as the trailer, is a container that holds information that indicates the conclusion of the packet. Additionally, the footer may contain error-checking data to guarantee that the packet was delivered accurately.

Q: What are the three main categories of services that CSPs provide? Select all that apply.

  • Software as a service (SaaS) 
  • Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) 
  • Platform as a service (PaaS) 
  • Desktop as a service (DaaS)
Explanation: These categories include the extensive variety of services that cloud service providers (CSPs) provide, ranging from comprehensive software applications over the internet to basic infrastructure and development platforms.

Q: Which port is used for secure internet communication?

  • 25
  • 20
  • 443 
  • 40

Explanation: 443 is the port that is used for secure communication over the internet. It is the HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol safe) traffic that uses this port. This traffic encrypts data between the web browser and the server to guarantee that communication over the internet is safe.

Q: Which layer in the TCP/IP model is used to inspect the flow of traffic across a network?

  • Layer 1, network access
  • Layer 2, internet
  • Layer 3, transport 
  • Layer 4, application

Explanation: The transport layer, which is Layer 3 in the TCP/IP paradigm, is crucial for managing the flow of data and ensuring that it is correctly handled. As a result, it is necessary to check the flow of traffic over the network.

Q: A security analyst runs a command to discover a local IP address. The analyst receives the following result: What type of address is this?

  • IPv6  
  • IPv4 
  • Ethernet
  • MAC
Explanation: to is the range of Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA) that is used by IPv4, and this particular address is included within that range. The assignment of APIPA addresses takes place automatically if a device is unable to get an IP address from a DHCP server. On the same local network, this makes it possible for devices to talk with one another without the need for manual setup or a DHCP server.

Q: Which network device connects multiple networks together?

  • A switch
  • A hub
  • A modem
  • A router 
Explanation: On the third tier of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) paradigm, which is known as the network layer, routers are responsible for directing data packets across various networks based on their Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. Through the use of linked networks, they calculate the most efficient route for data to take to go from its origin to its destination.

Q: What are two benefits of cloud computing and software defined networks (SDNs)? Select two answers.

  • Increased attack surface
  • Decreased cost 
  • Decreased reliability
  • Increased scalability 
Explanation: By removing the need for hardware that is located on-premises, cutting the expenses of maintenance, and introducing pricing models that are based on a pay-as-you-go basis, cloud computing and software-defined networks (SDNs) may help decrease costs. Cloud computing and software-defined networks (SDNs) both make it possible to easily scale resources, which enables businesses to swiftly adjust their resource allocation in response to changes in demand without having to make substantial expenditures in hardware.

Q: Fill in the blank: A computer sends information to the router and the router then transfers information through a ____ to the internet.

  • modem 
  • LAN
  • switch
  • hub
Explanation: It is more accurate to use the word modem in this scenario. The ability to connect to the internet is made possible by modems, which are devices that modulate and demodulate signals to enable digital data to be delivered via communication channels such as telephone lines or cable networks.

Q: What port number is used for large file transfers?

  • 443
  • 25
  • 20 
  • 37
Explanation: FTP, which stands for File Transfer Protocol, is a protocol that is often used to move big files from one computer to another via a network. Port 20 is typically utilized for this purpose.

Q: Fill in the blank: fe80::ab12:cd34:ef56:0023:2345 is an example of an accurate ___ address.

  • IPv4
  • Ethernet
  • MAC
  • IPv6
Explanation: Typically, IPv6 addresses are lengthier and written in hexadecimal format, with colons serving as the separators between each component. On a network that adheres to the Internet Protocol Version 6 standard, they are used to provide a one-of-a-kind identifier for each device.

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