Module 3: Communicate Effectively to Influence Stakeholders

Q: Which of the following are stakeholders interested in having knowledge of? Select two answers.

  • The decisions of their organization’s leadership 
  • The activities of their organization 
  • The online reviews for their organization
  • Social media reviews for their competitor’s organization
Explanation: As a result of the fact that the choices made by leadership may impact the organization's overall performance, as well as its direction and strategy, stakeholders, including workers, investors, and board members, are required to be aware of these decisions. Leadership choices often have enormous repercussions for the future of the business, as well as for its profitability and structural integrity. There is a level of interest among stakeholders in the activities and operations that occur daily inside the business. This involves being aware of how the company is operating, the projects or initiatives currently being carried out, and how resources are being distributed. To evaluate the organization's operational health and performance, this information is absolutely necessary.

Q: Which individuals are considered security stakeholders? Select three answers.

  • Risk managers 
  • Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) 
  • Help desk analysts
  • Operations Managers 
Explanation: Among the risks that they are responsible for discovering, evaluating, and mitigating are those that are associated with security responsibilities. They are responsible for overseeing the entire security strategy of the firm and ensuring that information assets and technology are protecting themselves effectively. They are responsible for managing day-to-day operations and ensuring that security policies and procedures are not only implemented but also adhered to.

Q: Fill in the blank: Security operations managers are primarily responsible for helping to identify and safeguard an organization from _____.

  • negative social media reviews
  • security threats 
  • equipment failures
  • failed tax audits
Explanation: The primary responsibility of security operations managers is to assist in the identification of potential security risks and to protect an organization from experiencing such dangers.

Q: Which of the following statements best describes the information that is communicated to stakeholders?

  • It is proprietary.
  • It is publicly available.
  • It is sensitive. 
  • It is shareable to the entire organization.
Explanation: It is necessary to handle information on stakeholders with caution to preserve confidentiality and safeguard the organization's interests. This information often consists of strategic choices, financial data, and operational details.

Q: Which of the following guidelines can help security analysts improve stakeholder communications? Select two answers.

  • Be precise
  • Include as many topics as possible
  • Use technical security terms as much as possible
  • Avoid unnecessary technical terms 
Explanation: Communication that is both clear and concise guarantees that all parties involved comprehend the most important information without any misunderstanding. The use of language that is easy to grasp helps to guarantee that all parties involved, regardless of their level of technical expertise, can comprehend the information that is being delivered.

Q: Which potential security challenges should a security analyst communicate to security stakeholders?

  • Lack of employee retention
  • Negative social media reviews
  • Negative publicity about non-security related issues that has been posted on the internet
  • Malicious code detected in logs 
Explanation: All parties involved must be aware of this significant security concern to take the necessary precautions to protect themselves from any possible dangers.

Q: Fill in the blank: Creating ____ communications allows a security stakeholder to view representations of what is being explained using graphs and charts.

  • visual 
  • audio
  • simple
  • complex
Explanation: A security stakeholder now can observe representations of what is being communicated via the use of graphs and charts thanks to the creation of visual communications.

Q: Why is it important for analysts to use visuals to tell a security story?

  • Visuals can help an analyst determine which tool to use to solve a security challenge.
  • Visuals can help an analyst identify which details are most important for different stakeholders.
  • Visuals can help an analyst communicate impactful metrics and data. 
  • Visuals can help an analyst prioritize which incidents need to be escalated with more or less urgency.

Q: Fill in the blank: In the field of security, ______should always be communicated with care.

  • leave requests
  • publicly available information
  • sensitive information 
  • nonsensitive information
Explanation: When it comes to matters of security, sensitive information must be at all times transmitted with caution.

Q: Stakeholders have many responsibilities, so they might miss an email or fail to respond promptly. If an analyst needs to reach a stakeholder right away, what might be a better option for stakeholder communication?

  • A follow-up investigation
  • An email to the CISO
  • A phone call 
  • A follow-up email to the stakeholder’s supervisor
Explanation: If an analyst wants to get in touch with a stakeholder as soon as possible, and taking into account the fact that stakeholders may not react to emails or may not answer on time owing to their busy schedules, the most efficient choice would be to telephone the stakeholder. Not only do phone calls provide instant communication, but they also have the potential to guarantee that the stakeholder hears and comprehends the communication's sense of urgency. When opposed to emails or depending on follow-up investigations or emails to supervisors, which may potentially cause delays, this direct method can often result in speedier results.

Q: What is a stakeholder?

  • An individual or a group that manages the public relations crisis for an organization
  • An individual or a group that has an interest in any decision or activity of an organization 
  • The security professionals who manage the SOC operations for an organization
  • A customer who depends on an organization to protect their sensitive financial and medical data
Explanation: In the context of an organization, a stakeholder is a person or group that has an interest in any decision or action that the organization does. They can consist of a wide range of individuals, including workers, investors, customers, suppliers, and members of the community, all of whom are impacted by or have the potential to influence the activities, policies, and objectives of the business.

Q: Fill in the blank: Communications with stakeholders should always be precise, avoid unnecessary technical terms, and _____.

  • have a clear purpose 
  • have various purposes to maximize time
  • tell an elaborate story to ensure your point is made
  • include numerous security questions
Explanation: When communicating with stakeholders, it is essential to constantly be accurate, to avoid using technical terminology that is not required, and to have a distinct goal. This ensures that the message is targeted and successfully delivers the facts or goals that are meant to be communicated to their respective recipients.

Q: Fill in the blank: Visual communications to stakeholders can be used to convey key details in the form of ____.

  • graphs and charts 
  • logs and alerts
  • text-filled documents and graphs
  • text messages and charts
Explanation: It is possible to transmit essential information to stakeholders via the use of visual communications in the form of graphs and charts. The stakeholders can easily grasp and analyze complicated facts or information with the assistance of these graphic representations.

Q: An analyst finishes an incident review. Next, they want to clearly communicate meaningful data from their findings. What action can they take to share this information?

  • Ask stakeholders to report their findings
  • Use visuals to tell a security story 
  • Collaborate with the publicity team to develop a communication strategy
  • Request that the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) sends a summary email
Explanation: The analyst may take the step of employing visuals to convey a security narrative once they have completed an incident review. This will allow them to effectively communicate significant data that they have gathered from their findings. This strategy includes the creation of graphs, charts, timelines, and other visual aids that effectively explain the occurrence, its effects, and the activities that were made in response to it. It is possible for stakeholders to rapidly absorb the most important facts and comprehend the consequences of the results of the event review with the assistance of visuals.

Q: Fill in the blank: For security purposes, it is important to communicate sensitive information with _____.

  • graphs and charts
  • supervision
  • a low level of urgency
  • care 
Explanation: It is essential to share sensitive information with caution to minimize the risk of security breaches. This guarantees that sensitive information is handled and shared in a way that maintains its confidentiality and integrity, therefore preventing unauthorized access or exposure to the information.

Q: What term is used to define an individual or a group that has an interest in the decisions or activities of an organization?

  • Audit specialist
  • Incident response manager
  • Stakeholder 
  • Decision-making manager
Explanation: In the context of an organization, the word "stakeholder" refers to a person or a group that has an interest in the choices or activities of the organization. People who are impacted by or have the potential to influence the activities, policies, and objectives of an organization are considered to be stakeholders. Stakeholders may include a wide range of groups, including workers, investors, consumers, suppliers, and members of the community.

Q: A security operations manager often works directly with a security analyst as the first line of defense to protect an organization from what challenges? Select two answers.

  • Risks 
  • Vulnerabilities 
  • The use of social media on work devices
  • A lack of an employee consortium
Explanation: To do this, it is necessary to detect, evaluate, and take measures to mitigate possible threats to the security of the company. These threats may include cyber threats or operational risks.The identification of vulnerabilities in systems, processes, or settings that might be exploited by attackers or lead to security issues is included in this part of the inspection.

Q: Fill in the blank: Information that is communicated to ____ is considered sensitive.

  • an organization’s competitors
  • the general public
  • stakeholders 
  • employees regarding social events
Explanation: To do this, it is necessary to detect, evaluate, and take measures to mitigate possible threats to the security of the company. These threats may include cyber threats or operational risks. The identification of vulnerabilities in systems, processes, or settings that might be exploited by attackers or lead to security issues is included in this part of the inspection.

Q: You are alerted that a malicious actor has gained unauthorized access to one of your organization’s manufacturing applications. You need to inform the operations manager as soon as possible. What is the best way to communicate this information?

  • With a corporate-wide email
  • With a letter to HR
  • With a dashboard visualization
  • Clearly, concisely, and quickly 
Explanation: The most effective method for conveying to the operations manager the information that a hostile actor has gained unauthorized access to one of your organization's manufacturing applications is to do it in a manner that is clear, succinct, and prompt. If you want to make sure that the operations manager gets the urgent message without any delay, you should accomplish this via direct contact, such as a phone call or a face-to-face meeting.

Q: Fill in the blank: Creating ____ communications allows a security stakeholder to view representations of what is being explained using graphs and charts.

  • complex
  • audio
  • simple
  • visual 
Explanation: A security stakeholder now can observe representations of what is being communicated via the use of graphs and charts thanks to the creation of visual communications. This assists in presenting facts and information in a way that is clear and easy to grasp.

Q: You have recently been hired as a security analyst for an organization. You’ve been asked by a security stakeholder to provide information on how often the employees from various departments are clicking on simulated phishing emails. What action can you take to best communicate this information?

  • Use visuals, such as charts and graphs, to tell the security story 
  • Call the stakeholder and directly update them
  • Ask your supervisor to report your findings because you are new
  • Send an email that explains the necessary information
Explanation: When communicating information to a security stakeholder about the frequency with which workers from different departments are clicking on simulated phishing emails, the most effective course of action would be to utilize visuals, such as charts and graphs, to convey the narrative of security. In a manner that is easy to understand and consume, visuals may efficiently summarize the data by displaying patterns and comparisons across departments. Through the use of this technique, the stakeholder can rapidly acquire the information and comprehend the consequences of the results of phishing awareness and possible security threats.

Q: What is the best way to follow-up with a stakeholder who has not immediately responded to your email? Select two answers.

  • Send them an instant message 
  • File a complaint with human resources
  • Report the issue to your supervisor
  • Call them on the phone 
Explanation: When compared to waiting for a response via email, a phone call enables direct contact and will often result in a speedier answer. Sending a courteous and professional instant message might act as a gentle reminder if your business makes use of instant messaging platforms and if doing so is acceptable within the culture of your workplace.

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