Module 2: Network Operations

Q: What internet communication protocol allows two devices to form a connection and stream data?

  • Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
  • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) 
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)
  • Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS)

Explanation: A basic protocol in the TCP/IP suite, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) ensures the transfer of data between devices across an IP network in a manner that is dependable, ordered, and error-checked. It does this by establishing a connection-oriented communication between the devices, which guarantees that the data packets are sent in the correct order and that any packets that are lost are sent again. Because of this, delivery Control Protocol (TCP) is an excellent choice for applications that need dependable data delivery, such as web surfing, file transfers, and streaming video.

Q: What set of standards is known as Wi-Fi?

  • WEP
  • 802.11
  • IEEE 802.11 
  • WPA

Explanation: Through the use of radio waves, wireless networking technology known as Wi-Fi enables electronic devices to establish a connection to a local area network (LAN) wirelessly. The standards for wireless local area networks (LANs) are defined by the IEEE 802.11 standard. These specifications include protocols for media access, data transfer, security (including WEP and WPA methods), and interoperability.

Q: Fill in the blank: A ____ firewall can connect to cloud-based threat intelligence services and quickly update against emerging cyber threats

  • stateful
  • next generation firewall (NGFW)
  • documented
  • stateless
Explanation: Deep packet inspection, application awareness, and integration with threat intelligence feeds from cloud services are some of the advanced features that next-generation firewalls (NGFWs) offer. These capabilities go beyond those of classic firewalls. Because of this, they are able to offer more effective security against contemporary cyber dangers by constantly upgrading the techniques that they use to identify and block attacks.

Q: Fill in the blank: VPN services perform _____ to protect sensitive data by wrapping it in other data packets.

  • encapsulation 
  • transmission control
  • packet sniffing
  • network segmentation
Explanation: To send data across a network, encapsulation requires putting the original contents inside a different packet. By using this procedure, the data that is being communicated across a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is protected from unauthorized access and maintained in its original state.

Q: Fill in the blank. A controlled zone protects a company’s internal network from a(n)___ security zone.

  • uncontrolled 
  • demilitarized
  • restricted
  • internal network
Explanation: This is a reference to a region that is located outside of the restricted zone and has security measures that are not as severe or has the potential to be the source of external threats.

Q: Which of the following statements accurately describe forward and reverse proxy servers? Select three answers.

  • Forward proxy servers receive outgoing traffic from an employee, approve it, then forward it to its destination on the internet. 
  • Reverse proxy servers work by hiding a user’s IP address and approving all outgoing requests.
  • Forward proxy servers regulate and restrict a person’s access to the internet.
  • Reverse proxy servers accept traffic from external parties, approve it, then forward it to internal servers.

Explanation: To increase privacy and regulate access to external resources, forward proxy servers work on behalf of customers, who are employees, to route requests to servers located outside the organization. The role of reverse proxy servers is to act as middlemen for clients who access internal servers from the internet. This helps to improve security by concealing the specifics of the internal server and controlling incoming requests.

Q: What network protocol helps data get to the right place by determining the MAC address of the next router or device on its path?

  • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
  • Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS)
  • Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)
Explanation: The Address Resolution Protocol, sometimes known as ARP, is a network protocol that assists in the delivery of data to its intended destination by finding the Media Access Control (MAC) address of the subsequent router or device along its path.

Q: Fill in the blank: The _______ maintains Wi-Fi standards.

  • IEEE 802.11 
  • Transmission control protocol (TCP)
  • Domain name system (DNS)
  • WiFi protected access (WPA)
Explanation: The IEEE 802.11 standard is the collection of guidelines that specify the protocols used for wireless networking, which includes Wi-Fi. Through the establishment of these standards, wireless devices can interact with one another using radio frequencies, hence assuring interoperability and compatibility across devices manufactured by various manufacturers.

Q: A firewall administrator installs a firewall function to either block or allow certain port numbers to limit unwanted communication. What function does this scenario describe?

  • Location masking
  • Using cloud-based firewalls
  • Organizing data packets
  • Port filtering 

Explanation: In the situation described, a firewall administrator installs a function to either block or allow particular port numbers to restrict undesired traffic. This is an example of port filtering. Controlling access to certain network ports based on predetermined criteria is the purpose of port filtering, which is a function of a firewall. By doing so, administrators can control which ports can transmit and receive data, limiting or allowing certain kinds of network traffic depending on the rules that govern network security.

Q: A security professional sets up a security measure to allow employees to work from home securely while having access to internal network resources. What does this scenario describe?

  • Cloud service provider (CSP)
  • Virtual private network (VPN)
  • Address resolution protocol (ARP)
  • Firewall

Explanation: The term "Virtual Private Network" (VPN) refers to a situation in which a security expert establishes a security solution to enable workers to operate from home securely while still having access to local network resources. Through the usage of a virtual private network (VPN), distant users can establish a secure connection to a private network (like a business network) while using a public network (like the Internet). It does this by establishing a safe and encrypted tunnel between the device used by the distant user and the internal network. This secure tunnel guarantees the confidentiality and integrity of the data that is transferred across the connection.

Q: Which of the following does encapsulation protect?

  • cryptographic keys
  • data in transit 
  • proxy servers
  • public IP addresses

Explanation: During the process of data transmission across a network, encapsulation includes enveloping the data with extra information. Through the provision of methods for confidentiality, integrity, and authentication, this procedure contributes to the protection of the data while it is in transit. It is common practice to use encryption as a component of encapsulation to guarantee that unauthorized individuals will not be able to access or change the data while it is under transmission.

Q: What is the function of the demilitarized zone (DMZ)?

  • Organize data by forwarding it to other servers
  • Isolate servers exposed to the internet from the rest of a network 
  • Encrypt data as it travels across the internet
  • Protect highly confidential information accessible only to employees with certain privileges
Explanation: A demilitarized zone, also known as a DMZ, is a portion of a network that serves as a buffer zone between the internal network of an organization, which is considered to be a trusted network, and the external network, which is often the internet. Although servers that are located in the demilitarized zone (DMZ) are accessible to the Internet, they are not connected to the internal network. This provides an extra degree of protection. It is possible to safeguard internal resources from direct exposure to external dangers, such as malicious assaults or efforts to gain unauthorized access, with the aid of this configuration.

Q: Fill in the blank: A _____ fulfills the requests of its clients by forwarding them to other servers

  • firewall
  • virtual private network (VPN)
  • proxy server 
  • router

Explanation: As mediators between clients (such as web browsers or users) and other servers (such as web servers or application servers), proxy servers make it possible for clients to communicate with other servers. They have the responsibility of receiving requests from clients, then transmitting those requests to the proper servers, and finally relaying the replies from the servers back to the clients. The customers who access resources on the internet benefit from this procedure since it helps increase speed, enhances security, and provides anonymity and privacy.

Q: How do forward proxy servers secure internal networks? Select two answers.

  • They receive outgoing traffic from an employee, approve it, then forward it to its destination on the internet.
  • Both forward and reverse proxy servers add a layer of protection from the internet.
  • They are useful for protecting internal web servers that contain confidential data.
  • They hide a user’s IP address and approve all outgoing requests. 
Explanation: Internal customers, often known as employees, can access resources on the internet in a safe manner thanks to forward proxy servers, which operate as mediators for outbound traffic from those clients. By concealing internal IP addresses, the proxy server can enforce security standards, censor content, and improve users' privacy. Forward proxy servers provide confidentiality and control over the external resources that workers can access. They do this by concealing the internal IP address of clients and granting permission for outward requests. This contributes to the protection of the internal network against possible dangers and access by unauthorized individuals.

Q: What network protocol translates the domain name of a website’s server into an IP address?

  • Transmission control protocol (TCP)
  • Hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS)
  • File transfer protocol (FTP)
  • Domain name system (DNS) 
Explanation: By converting domain names that are readable by humans, such as, into Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, such as, the Domain Name System (DNS) is responsible for ensuring that machines on the network can identify one another. Instead of needing to know and use numerical IP addresses, users can access websites and other internet services by utilizing domain names, which the translation process makes possible.

Q: Which of the following statements accurately describe wireless protocols? Select three answers.

  • Wi-Fi protocols provide significantly lower security levels than wired connections.
  • WPA is a wireless security protocol pertaining to connecting to the internet. 
  • The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers maintains Wi-Fi standards. 
  • The set of standards IEEE 802.11 is also referred to as Wi-Fi. 
Explanation: Protecting data while it is being sent via Wi-Fi connections is the purpose of the security protocol known as WPA, which stands for Wi-Fi Protected Access. This protocol was developed to secure wireless networks and includes authentication and encryption techniques.IEEE, which stands for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, is the organization that is in charge of establishing and maintaining standards for wireless local area network (LAN) technologies. These standards include the widely used Wi-Fi protocols that fall under the IEEE 802.11 family.

Q: Fill in the blank: A ____ firewall operates based on predefined rules. It is not used to keep track of information from data packets.

  • stateful
  • stateless 
  • next-generation firewall (NGFW)
  • cloud-based
Explanation: Stateful firewalls, on the other hand, keep track of the state information of current network connections. This enables them to make more informed judgments depending on the history and context of the connection.

Q: How do VPNs preserve confidentiality?

  • Monitor traffic to and from a network
  • Use temporary memory to store data requested by external servers
  • Encrypt data in transit 
  • Translate internet domain names to IP addresses

Explanation: A virtual private network (VPN) employs encryption algorithms to safeguard data as it moves from the user's device (or network) to the VPN server. This guarantees that the data will continue to be unintelligible even if it is intercepted without the decryption keys.

Q: What does a VPN service use to transfer encrypted data between a device and the VPN server?

  • packet sniffing
  • network segmentation
  • encapsulation 
  • transmission control
Explanation: In the context of virtual private networks (VPNs), encapsulation refers to the process of wrapping the original data, also known as the payload, with extra headers that include encryption, authentication, and other information that is essential for the safe transmission of data over the VPN tunnel. During the time that it is being sent between the device and the VPN server, this guarantees that the data is secured from being intercepted and manipulated.

Q: A security analyst implements a proxy server to secure internal networks. What are some of the proxy server’s primary functions? Select three answers.

  • Use public IP addresses that are different from the rest on the private network 
  • Temporarily stores data that is frequently requested by external servers 
  • Divide the network into segments to maintain privacy within corporate groups
  • Determine whether requests to connect to a website are allowed 
Explanation: When talking with external servers, proxy servers can utilize their own IP address. This allows them to conceal the IP addresses of the internal network, which in turn increases the level of security by providing anonymity. Proxy servers can cache online material or files that are often requested, which may reduce the amount of bandwidth that is used and speed up access for users who are seeking the same information. To filter and control access to external websites based on specified rules or policies, proxy servers perform the function of intermediaries. They can prohibit access to prohibited material, block harmful websites, and enforce security standards.

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