Week 4 – Utilizing resources and tools for project success


1. Fill in the blank: If the project has a _____, then it may be worth it for the team to learn a more sophisticated project management tool.


·        short timeline

·        new project sponsor

·        large scope

·        few deliverables

Explanation: If the project has a complicated structure or a long list of requirements, it could be beneficial for the team to learn how to use a more advanced tool for managing projects. Organization, cooperation, and the general effectiveness of the project may all be improved by using a tool that is proportionate to the level of complexity of the undertaking.


2. As a project manager, you need to update your project charter with a statement about the tangible outcome of the project. In which section of the project charter does this information go?


·        Business case

·        Benefits

·        Project deliverable

·        Project scope

Explanation: The part of the project charter titled "Objectives" or "Project Purpose" is normally where the information about the observable results of the project is included. In this part, the exact objectives and deliverables that the project intends to accomplish are broken out in detail. It offers a crystal-clear comprehension of the aim of the project as well as the objective that the team is striving to achieve.


3. Fill in the blank: A project manager creates a project charter _____ a project proposal.


·        at the same time as

·        as an introduction to

·        before

·        after

Explanation: Following the submission of a project proposal, a project manager will draft a project charter. The basic thoughts, goals, and reasons for the project are outlined in the project proposal. The project manager will next prepare the project charter after the proposal has been approved and the project has been authorized. The project charter will formalize the project, explain the goals of the project, and establish the project manager's authority over the project.

4. Fill in the blank: Project managers need to ensure project information is _____ through formal documentation, such as email, a presentation, or a digital document.


·        available only to stakeholders

·        easily accessible to everyone

·        available only to team members

·        easily accessible to the public

Explanation: It is the responsibility of project managers to guarantee that information on the project is disseminated via formal documentation, such as an email, a presentation, or a digital document. It is necessary to have effective communication in order to keep the project team and any stakeholders informed on the status of the project, any changes that may occur, and any relevant details.


5. Email and chat are examples of what type of project management tool?


·        Work management

·        Progress visualization

·        Collaboration

·        Scheduling

Explanation: In the field of project management, some examples of communication technologies are email and chat. Despite the fact that they are not software designed specifically for project management, they play a very important part in improving communication and cooperation among project managers, stakeholders, and members of the team.


6. A project manager needs a tool to assign tasks and help visualize the team’s task progress. Which tool type should they choose?


·        Email

·        Shared documents

·        Work management

·        Chat

Explanation: A task management or project management tool is the best option for a project manager to use so that they may delegate work and monitor their progress. These technologies provide the assignment of tasks, the recording of progress, and often include capabilities for collaboration, timetables, and milestones in addition to the ability to assign and manage tasks. Trello, Asana, and Microsoft Project are a few examples of such software.


7. Fill in the blank: As a project manager, you may use Microsoft PowerPoint, Apple’s Keynote, or Google Slides to _____.


·        share documents

·        manage budgets

·        send emails

·        create presentations

Explanation: You as the project manager have the option of putting together project presentations using either Google Slides, Microsoft PowerPoint, or Apple's Keynote. These tools are often used in the process of presenting project plans, status reports, and other information relating to the project to stakeholders, members of the project team, or clients.


8. Collaboration tools such as email or chat allow teams to do what tasks? Select all that apply.


·        Plan the budget

·        Check in on project tasks

·        Visualize project task completion

·        Work collectively and closely with other team members


9. Fill in the blank: _____ are items you need to help get the project done. They are considered project resources.


·        Materials

·        Meetings

·        Status updates

·        Reports

Explanation: In order to successfully complete the project, you will need a variety of resources. They are referred to as resources for the project. These may consist of people resources (members of the team), supplies, equipment, and any other components necessary for the successful execution of the project.


10. When developing the project charter, who does the project manager typically work with?


·        stakeholders only

·        teammates only

·        the customer only

·        teammates and stakeholders


Shuffle Q/A 1

11. Fill in the blank: For small projects, project managers should typically use _____.


·        more sophisticated tools

·        simple and straightforward tools

·        recently created tools

·        highest-rated tools

Explanation: The use of simpler project management tools is often recommended for project managers working on smaller projects. These solutions are often more lightweight and user-friendly, making them well-suited for smaller-scale projects that may not need the intricacy of more complicated project management software. Tools such as Trello and Asana, as well as straightforward spreadsheets, are some examples.


12. What type of document is typically created at the end of the initiation phase to define key details of the project?


·        Project proposal

·        Project plan

·        Project charter

·        Project scope

Explanation: In most cases, the creation of a Project Charter marks the conclusion of the commencement stage of a project and serves to outline the most important aspects of the endeavor. The Project Charter details the goals of the project, its scope, the parties involved, and the general purpose of the endeavor. It acts as a foundational document that approves the project and includes crucial information for the project team as well as any stakeholders involved in the endeavor.


13. Fill in the blank: A project manager needs to receive approval from stakeholders and ____ to move on to the next stage.


·        a team member

·        a team consultant

·        the project sponsor

·        the project vendor

Explanation: Before moving on to the next phase of the project, a manager of the project must first get agreement from the project's stakeholders and the sponsor. The ability to approve and sanction the continuance of the project rests with the project sponsor, who is often a senior executive or key decision-maker in the organization. Having their support is essential in order to go on through the various stages of the project.


14. A new team member joins your project during the initiation phase. How can you familiarize the team member with the project?


·        Give them the project documentation to review and encourage them to ask questions.

·        Assign the new team member the tasks they need to execute.

·        Allow the team member to review a previous project plan.

·        Allow the team member to come to you if they have questions.

15. A project manager needs a tool to create a project charter. What type of tool should they use?


·        Work management

·        Chat

·        Shared document

·        Email

Explanation: Document editing tools or word processing software are two common types of software that a project manager could employ while producing a project charter. It is possible for the project manager to efficiently arrange and present the information that is necessary for the project charter by using document editing tools such as Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or any other chosen document editing tool. The freedom to structure and organize the content of the charter is provided by these tools.


16. What tool can you use to create presentations for stakeholders on a new project?


·        Google Spreadsheets

·        Google Slides

·        Microsoft Word

·        Microsoft Teams

17. Collaboration tools allow teammates to do what two tasks? Select all that apply.


·        Visualize the team’s progress

·        Check in with each other efficiently

·        Demonstrate an overview of the project

·        Comment on topics related to the project

18. In project management, what resource tracks the cost of the software, new vendor hires, and marketing for a project?


·        Schedule

·        Budget

·        People

·        Materials

Explanation: When it comes to project management, the financial or budgetary resource is often the one responsible for keeping tabs on the costs of software, new vendor hiring, and marketing for a project. This resource is in charge of monitoring and managing the financial elements of the project, which includes ensuring that the project remains within its financial restrictions, allocating money, and tracking expenditures.


19. What document can stakeholders reference to ensure the project is aligned with its goals?


·        Project charter

·        Project tasks

·        Project proposal

·        Project schedule

Explanation: To verify that the project is proceeding in accordance with its objectives, stakeholders may consult the Project Charter. The Project Charter is an important document that specifies the project's goals, purpose, scope, and general direction. It should be created as early as possible in the planning process. It acts as a reference point for stakeholders, allowing them to comprehend how well the project aligns with the organization's objectives and ensuring that all parties are on the same page with respect to the project's aims and objectives.


20. As a project manager, you work with a large team to complete the launch of a new website in one year. What type of tool would you use to successfully complete this project?


·        A simple and straightforward tool

·        A more sophisticated tool

·        A recently created tool

·        The highest-rated tool

21. At the beginning of a project, a senior organizational leader creates a document to persuade stakeholders that a project should begin. What is the name of this document?


·        Project charter

·        Project framework

·        Project proposal

·        Project plan

Explanation: Generally speaking, a project proposal is the name given to the document that is produced by a senior organizational leader at the outset of a project in order to convince stakeholders that the project should get underway. In the Project Proposal, the project's goal, objectives, scope, and anticipated results are laid out in detail. This document also makes a convincing argument as to why the project is essential to the business and will be to its benefit.


22. As a project manager, you receive approval from key stakeholders on the project proposal. What is the next piece of documentation you need to create?


·        Project charter

·        Project task

·        Project goal

·        Project measure

Explanation: The creation of the project charter is normally the next piece of paperwork to be done after gaining consent from the project's main stakeholders on the proposal for the project. The Project Charter is the document that formally establishes the project and provides critical information about it, including the project's goals, scope, stakeholders, and the project manager's authority. It is a foundational document that approves the project and directs the team in the early phases of planning and execution of the project.

Shuffle Q/A 2

23. In which of the following scenarios does the project manager implement documentation well? Select all that apply.


·        A stakeholder talks with two different team members and receives conflicting information on a vendor. They cannot find information about the vendor in the shared document drive.

·        The key stakeholder determines they want to add a feature to the product in development. The project manager includes this update in the project charter and communicates it to the team.

·        The project manager shares the project timeline on a cloud-based document sharing program.

·        Because the project manager doesn’t have all the project’s details, they ask a current team member to onboard the new team member.

24. What is a consequence of releasing a new tool to team members before testing it thoroughly?


·        There will be no negative consequences since the team will adjust to the tool.

·        The team will be hesitant to use the product if there are issues with the tool.

·        The team will communicate with the project manager more often.

·        Team members will give effective feedback and build team morale.

25. Are you work with teams in different departments as a project manager. You need to get answers quickly to project-related questions. What tool should you use to communicate efficiently with these teams?


·        Presentation tool

·        Shared document

·        Work management tool

·        Team chat

26. A project manager plans resources for a new construction project. What type of resource includes the machines needed to complete the work?


·        People

·        Materials

·        Plans

·        Sources

Explanation: Equipment Resources is the common name given to the category of resource that is comprised of the many machines that are required to finish the job involved in a building project. The term "equipment resource" refers to the various pieces of machinery, tools, and other implements that are needed to carry out certain activities or tasks related to the project. In order to guarantee that the appropriate instruments are accessible at the appropriate times to support project operations, it is vital for construction projects to have effective equipment resource management.


27. Project managers use tools to accomplish which of the following activities? Select all that apply.


·        Build charts and diagrams

·        Carry out team-building exercises

·        Manage the budget

·        Keep stakeholders informed

·        Negotiate with vendors

28. As a project manager, you need to update your project charter with details for the team sponsor and team lead. Which section of the project charter contains this information?


·        Scope and exclusion

·        Project deliverables

·        Business case

·        Project team

Explanation: The portion of the Project Charter referred to as "Stakeholders" is the one that is most likely to include information about the team sponsor and the team lead. This section includes information about persons or organizations that have a vested interest in the project, including the roles, responsibilities, and contact data for such individuals or groups. This section of the project charter explains the responsibilities that important stakeholders like the team sponsor and team lead should play and how they should participate in the project.


29. During the initiation phase of a project, the stakeholders introduce a new feature to add to the deliverables. What can you do to ensure the team remembers all the details for the added feature?


·        Document the details in a shared document.

·        Schedule a meeting with your team members to discuss the feature.

·        Document the details on a whiteboard in your office.

·        Schedule a meeting for the stakeholders to explain the feature to the team.

30. As a project manager, you introduce a new tool to the team on Monday and tell them to be ready to use it by Wednesday. Your team members are resistant to using it. They also report that technical issues with the software are keeping them from completing tasks. What three steps could you do next time to ensure a smooth transition? Select all that apply.


·        Have the team take an online training course after introducing the tool.

·        Introduce the tool to the team earlier than on Monday.

·        Test the tool thoroughly before rolling it out to the team.

·        Set up training for the tool before the team uses it.

31. A project manager needs to track changes in the project’s goal and scope. What type of tool should they use?


·        Work management

·        Email

·        Shared document

·        Chat

Explanation: A Change Management Tool is something that a project manager should use in order to keep track of changes to the project's aim and scope. Tools for change management assist in documenting, reviewing, and managing modifications made to the project's goals, objectives, scope, and other factors. These tools often contain functions for monitoring change requests, evaluating the effects of such requests, and receiving permissions from key stakeholders prior to putting changes into effect. This guarantees that any changes to the project have been thoroughly deliberated about and are in line with the project's overall goals.


32. The project sponsor requests a report on the current budget needs of a project. They would like to review a detailed breakdown of costs. Which type of tool would be best to use to meet the project sponsor’s request?


·        Scheduling software

·        Visualization cards

·        Spreadsheets

·        Chat

Explanation: A Financial Management Tool or a Project Budgeting Tool would normally be used by the project manager in order to fulfill the request made by the project sponsor for a full breakdown of expenses and current budget requirements. These tools assist in monitoring, managing, and reporting on the financial aspects of a project. Software that is intended just for the purpose of accounting for projects is one example. Other examples include software that integrates financial management into project management software or simply spreadsheet-based solutions that provide thorough budget monitoring and reporting.


33. Which of the following options best describes the goals of a project charter?


·        It provides a way to reflect on the project.

·        It defines the project and necessary details.

·        It is an email that goes out to all team members.

·        It convinces the stakeholders why they need to do the project.

34. What details should be in your project charter? Select all that apply.


·        Scope

·        Detailed project plan

·        Stakeholder analysis

·        Project goals

·        Deliverables

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35. Which are examples of work management tools?


·        Asana, Basecamp, and Trello

·        Microsoft Word and Google Docs

·        Email and chat

·        Microsoft PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides

36. Digital documents, such as Google Docs or Microsoft Word, help a project manager complete what three tasks? Select all that apply.


·        Track and review team processes

·        Create agendas

·        Outline project scope and next steps

·        Chat efficiently with the team

37. What is the main purpose of collaboration tools in a project?


·        To create a schedule for the project

·        To communicate quickly with team members

·        To create presentations for stakeholders

·        To assign new tasks to team members

38. Fill in the blank: Since the project manager uses the project charter throughout the project, it acts like a _____ for the project.


·        compass

·        bank

·        storage unit

·        main communication channel

Explanation: The project charter serves the same purpose as a directing document or a plan for the project since the project manager utilizes it throughout the whole of the project. The project charter acts as a point of reference that describes the project's goals, objectives, scope, and important information. Its purpose is to guide the project team and stakeholders throughout the lifespan of the project.


39. Which of the following circumstances indicates that the project is approved to move forward?


·        The project sponsor and key stakeholders sign off on the project charter.

·        The project manager finishes the project’s deliverables and milestones.

·        The finance department approves the budget and the team members have been selected.

·        The stakeholders state the cost of the project outweighs the value it brings to the organization.

40. What tool should you use to keep track of tasks for a small project with two team members?


·        Work management

·        Presentation

·        Spreadsheet

·        Chat

41. You create a RACI chart for team members on a new project. What tool should you use?


·        Google Spreadsheets

·        Microsoft Word

·        Jira

·        Keynote

Explanation: You may use a number of project management systems, spreadsheet software, or specific RACI chart tools to construct a RACI chart (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) for team members working on a new project. This chart will outline who is responsible for what, who is accountable for it, who is consulted about it, and who is informed about it.


42. Which of the following best describes what a living document means?


·        A document that evolves as the project progresses

·        A digital document stored in the cloud

·        A document that is updated from project to project

·        A document that has been shared with the team

Explanation: A document that is regularly updated and amended to represent the current state, changes, and developing nature of a project, process, or system is referred to as a "living document," which is a word that is used to describe the document. A living document, in contrast to a static document, which is one that is updated in no way after it has been written, is dynamic and is actively maintained to ensure that it remains accurate and relevant over time. It is able to represent the current, up-to-date status of the subject matter that it covers by adjusting itself in response to continuing advancements, input, and revisions. Living documents are often used in the administration of projects, the formulation of policies, and several other domains where information is frequently susceptible to being updated and adjusted.


43. Fill in the blank: Effective tracking and ____ are a large part of a project manager’s responsibilities.


·        communication with team members

·        creating project management tools

·        assessment of performance feedback

·        executing tasks for the project

Explanation: The ability to keep accurate records and maintain open lines of communication are two of the primary tasks of a project manager. A key component of effective project management is maintaining open lines of communication with all parties involved, keeping close tabs on the development of the work in progress, and providing regular status reports.

44. Who does the project manager need to get approval from before indicating a Go for the project? Select all that apply.


·        Vendors

·        Project sponsor

·        Project team members

·        Key stakeholders

45. What are the two types of documents typically created in the initiation phase of a project? Select all that apply.


·        Project retrospective

·        Project plan

·        Project charter

·        Project proposal

46. You have an idea to improve the employee engagement initiatives at your company. What kind of document should you create to present the idea?


·        Project plan

·        Project framework

·        Project charter

·        Project proposal

Explanation: You should develop a Proposal Document in order to effectively explain your concept for enhancing the employee engagement efforts already in place at your organization. This paper describes your proposal in detail, including the reasoning behind it, the possible advantages, and the strategy for putting it into action. It is a method of formally communicating your idea to important stakeholders, such as management, HR, and other key decision-makers in the organization. A proposal document that has been well produced may assist explain the value of your concept, and it can also raise the probability of receiving support and permission for the idea's execution.

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47. A spreadsheet is a versatile tool that helps a project manager to do what? Select all that apply.


·        Create timelines

·        Build charts

·        Communicate with teammates

·        Manage budgets

48. In project management, the people who help execute the project are also referenced as what?


·        Materials

·        Resources

·        Tools

·        Budget

Explanation: In the field of project management, the individuals who contribute to the successful completion of the project are often referred to as members of the project team or simply members of the team. These people are the ones who are in charge of carrying out the tasks and activities that are stated in the project plan, offering their skills and knowledge to accomplish the goals that have been set for the project. Individuals on the project team often have a variety of jobs, responsibilities, and skill sets, but they are all working together to effectively finish the project.

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