Week 4 – Managing Data and Processes

1. Which command will print out the exit value of a script that just ran successfully?


·        wc variables.py

·        echo $?

·        echo $PATH

·       import sys

Explanation: The $? variable in Bash stores the exit status of the execution of the most recent command. It is possible to print out the exit value of the script or command that was currently being performed by using the echo $? command. With a successful execution of the script, the exit value will normally be 0.

2. Which command will create a new environment variable?


·        export

·        env

·        input

·       wc

Explanation: To generate or edit environment variables in Bash, the export command is the tool to utilize. You might use the following command, for instance, in order to create a new environment variable with the name MY_VARIABLE and a value of 123:For the purpose of making the MY_VARIABLE environment variable accessible to other processes and commands running inside the same shell session, this command first creates the variable and then sets it to the value 123.

3. Which I/O stream are we using when we use the input function to accept user input in a Python script?


·        STDOUT

·        STDERR

·        STDIN

·      SYS

Explanation: When we use the input() method in Python to receive input from the user, we are reading data from the standard input stream, often known as STDIN. During the course of the program's execution, the user is able to directly enter data, thanks to this function.

4. What is the meaning of an exit code of 0?


·        The program ended with an unspecified error.

·        The program ended with a ValueError.

·        The program ended with a TypeError.

·      The program ended successfully.

Explanation: In a wide variety of programming languages and operating systems, including some that are similar to Unix, an exit code of 0 normally indicates that the program executed correctly and did not experience any issues during its termination. It is common practice to use the value 0 as the exit code to indicate that the execution was successful. When a program finishes its execution with a status code of 0, it indicates that it has successfully finished its work without any problems or deviations from the intended results.

5. Which statements are true about input and raw_input in Python 2? (select all that apply)


·        input performs basic math operations.

·        raw_input performs basic math operations.

·        raw_input gets a string from the user.

·      input  gets a string from the user.

6. What type of object does a run function return?


·        returncode

·        capture_output

·        stdout

·     CompletedProcess

Explanation: After the conclusion of the process, the run() method in the subprocess module of Python produces a CompletedProcess object. There is information about the process that was executed included inside this object. This information includes the process's return code, standard output, and standard error. This enables the program that is invoking the subprocess to examine and manage the outcomes of the execution of the subprocess.

7. How can you change the current working directory where a command will be executed?


·        Use the capture_output parameter.

·        Use the cwd parameter.

·        Use the shell parameter.

·     Use the env parameter.

Explanation: You are able to alter the current working directory in which a command will be performed by using the cwd argument in the subprocess module of Python. This allows you to modify the directory in which the command will be executed. Through the use of this option, you will have the ability to determine the working directory for the subprocess before it actually runs the command.

8. When a child process is run using the subprocess module, which of the following are true? (check all that apply)


·        The child process is run in a secondary environment.

·        The parent process is blocked while the child process finishes.

·        The parent process and child process both run simultaneously.

·      Control is returned to the parent process when the child process ends.

9. When using the run command of the subprocess module, what parameter, when set to True, allows us to store the output of a system command?


·        cwd

·        capture_output

·        timeout

·      shell

Explanation: By using the run() method of the subprocess module in Python and setting the capture_output option to True, we are able to record the output of a system command, which includes both the standard output and the standard error. After that, the stdout and stderr elements of the CompletedProcess object that was returned may be used to view this output.

10. What does the copy method of os.environ do?


·        Creates a new dictionary of environment variables

·        Runs a second instance of an environment

·        Joins two strings

·      Removes a file from a directory

Explanation: It is possible to generate a shallow copy of the dictionary that contains the environment variables by using the copy method of the os.environ class. It does not delete a file from a directory, nor does it create a new instance of the environment, nor does it connect two strings, nor does it join two strings together. Instead, it gives you the ability to make changes to the cloned dictionary without having an effect on the variables that were associated with the original environment.

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