Week 2 – Ideate solutions to the user’s problem

1. Imagine that you kickstart the ideation process to translate issues your users experience into opportunities for design. You choose an ideation method that encourages designers to explore ideas, stay open-minded, and collaborate. Which method does this reflect?


·        How Might We

·        Empathy

·        Prototype   

·     Wireframing

Explanation: "How Might We" is the strategy that represents the encouragement of designers to explore ideas, maintain an open mind, and engage with one another. This method is often used in design thinking, and it entails recasting design issues as open-ended questions that stimulate creative thinking and brainstorming. Through the use of questions that begin with "How might we...," designers are encouraged to produce a broad variety of possible solutions and successfully cooperate in order to answer the demands and concerns of consumers.

2. Which ideation method involves brainstorming ideas under a specified time limit?


·        How Might We

·        Competitive audit

·      Crazy Eights

Explanation: The technique of ideation known as "Crazy Eights" engages in the process of brainstorming ideas within a certain amount of time restrictions. In this approach, participants are required to come up with eight distinct ideas in a short amount of time, which is often eight minutes. An exercise that is meant to foster creativity, create a great number of ideas, and drive invention within a limited amount of time is a fast-paced activity.

3. Which website structure allows users to follow their own path because content is linked in several ways?


·        Matrix model

·        Database model

·        Hierarchical model

·      Sequential model

Explanation: The "Matrix model" refers to the structure of a website that connects material in a number of different ways, so enabling visitors to take their own route. Within the framework of this paradigm, the material is structured in a grid-like manner, allowing visitors to browse between different subjects or categories by means of linked connections. Taking this method provides visitors with a variety of different avenues to examine material, therefore enhancing their browsing experience with flexibility and adaptability.

4. Hermes wants to create a web page design for a research database that makes it easy for users to search for information. Which website structure should they use?


·        Sequential model

·        Matrix model

·        Database model

·      Hierarchical model

Explanation: The "Database model" is the website structure that would be most appropriate for a research database, which is a particular kind of database that allows users to conveniently search for content. This particular model arranges the material in a manner that makes it easier to search for and retrieve data in an effective manner. For the purpose of assisting users in navigating the database and locating particular information, it often contains features such as search bars, filters, and sorting choices. As a result, the Database model would be the most suitable option for Hermes' objective of developing a web page design that facilitates the search for information by users.

5. Javier starts work for a new client. The client wants Javier to design the look of a website plug-in for the quizzes on their educational platform. They want students to see one question at a time rather than the whole quiz. They want a simple yet modern look. What type of structure model should Javier use?


·        Hierarchical model

·        Matrix model

·        Database model

·      Sequential model

Explanation: When it comes to developing a website plug-in for quizzes, Javier should utilize the "Sequential model" since it allows students to see one question at a time rather than the whole quiz, and it also allows for a straightforward and contemporary appearance.Users are led through a series of sequential steps or stages by the Sequential model, which arranges material in a way that is linear and step-by-step. In this scenario, each question would be given separately, giving pupils the opportunity to concentrate on a single subject at a time with less distractions. A clear and user-friendly experience is provided for students by this technique, which is in accordance with the need of the customer to provide quizzes in a sequential way.

6. What are the advantages of using common website structures? Select all that apply.


·        Timeless design

·        Improved navigation

·        Meet user expectation

·       Tested and effective

Explanation: It is common practice to build website architectures with user navigation in mind. This makes it simpler for users to locate and obtain the information they want in a timely and effective manner. Users are more likely to feel at ease and confident while visiting a website as a result of familiar website structures. This is because these structures correspond to recognized norms and patterns that are often seen on the web.A variety of websites and businesses have put common website structures through their paces, demonstrating that they are successful in providing a great user experience and accomplishing certain objectives.

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