Week 1: Introduction to Attract and Engage Customers with Digital Marketing


1. Which component o a customer persona represents what is preventing the customer from achieving their goal?

  • Characteristics
  • Skills
  • Hobbies
  • Barriers 

Explanation: The aspect of a customer persona that depicts the obstacles that the customer must overcome in order to accomplish their objective is sometimes referred to as "Challenges" or "Pain Points." With this facet, we investigate the challenges, difficulties, or issues that the client is now encountering, which are preventing them from achieving the end or goal that they have set for themselves. Therefore, it is essential for companies and marketers to have a thorough understanding of these difficulties in order to successfully customize their goods or services to meet and relieve the pain points of their customers.

2. Fill in the blank: _____ are information specific to the customer such as age, gender identity, family size, occupation, and location.

  • Occupations
  • Demographics 
  • Skills
  • Influences

Explanation: Details that are personal to the consumer include their age, gender identity, family size, employment, and location. Demographic details are also known as customer-specific information.

3. Consider the following customer persona:

Someone that would like to shop at a health-conscious grocery store, but is concerned about having time to cook meals after work.

What component of the customer persona is missing?

  • Who
  • Goal
  • Cost
  • Barrier 

Explanation: One of the aspects of the consumer persona that does not seem to be present is the "Pain Points" or "Challenges." Even while the persona makes reference to the individual's wish to buy at a grocery store that is concerned with health, it does not provide a detailed description of the specific hurdles or barriers that the individual experiences, particularly in relation to the worry that they would not have enough time to prepare meals after work. Including details regarding the difficulties that this persona faces will result in a more in-depth comprehension of their requirements and the factors that drive them.

4. Which of the following statements is true regarding a marketing funnel?

  • The marketing funnel is a framework that may be different depending on the business. 
  • The marketing funnel considers the seller’s journey.
  • The marketing funnel helps decrease the conversion rate.
  • There is only one type of marketing funnel.

Explanation: The phases that a potential client goes through before completing a purchase or doing the required action are shown in a marketing funnel, which is a visual depiction of the customer journey. Awareness, which is located at the top of the funnel, contemplation, which is located in the center of the funnel, and conversion, which is located at the bottom of the funnel, contain these steps.

5. Which of the following best describes the consideration stage of the marketing funnel?

  • The process to get a potential customer to take a desired action
  • When customers become repeat customers and brand advocates
  • When a potential customer first becomes aware of the product or service
  • The process to build a potential customer’s interest in your product or service 

Explanation: When prospective consumers have advanced beyond the initial awareness stage of the marketing funnel and are actively assessing and considering particular goods or services, they are said to be in the evaluation stage of the funnel. This is the best way to define this step. In this stage, people are doing research and comparing several possibilities, assessing the pros and downsides of each option, and looking for further information in order to make an informed decision prior to making a purchase. When the consumer is in the contemplation stage, the objective of marketers is to give material that is of value, address any possible issues that may arise, and position their products and services as the most appropriate answer for meeting the customer's requirements.

6. Which statements best describe strategies and tactics? Select two.

  • Strategies are actions taken to make the plan happen.
  • Tactics support the plan to achieve the marketing goal and tend to be more general ideas.
  • Strategies support the plan to achieve the marketing goal and tend to be more general ideas. (Correct)
  • Tactics are actions taken to make the plan happen.

7. As a digital marketer, you advertise with online influencers who have audiences that are not familiar with your brand. This strategy falls under which marketing funnel stage?

  • Consideration
  • Conversion
  • Loyalty
  • Awareness 

Explanation: The "Awareness" stage of the marketing funnel is often where you will find advertisements that are distributed via internet influencers in order to target audiences who are not aware with your business. When it comes to introducing a brand to new audiences, creating brand awareness, and generating interest among prospective buyers who may not have been acquainted with the product or service in the past, influencer marketing is an effective method.

8. As a digital marketer, you encourage customers to leave a review and share their experience with the business. This strategy falls under which marketing funnel stage?

  • Consideration
  • Awareness
  • Loyalty 
  • Conversion

Explanation: The "Post-Purchase" or "Advocacy" stage of the marketing funnel is often when it is appropriate to encourage consumers to share their experience with the company and to write a review of their encounter with the company. Customers who have reached this point in the process have already made a purchase and have experience with the product or service in question. You want to transform pleased customers into advocates who can contribute to good word-of-mouth marketing and assist influence future consumers in their decision-making process. You may do this by inviting them to submit a review on your website.

9. As a digital marketer, you update the product page checkout button color after a successful A/B test. This strategy falls under which marketing funnel stage?

  • Conversion 
  • Consideration
  • Awareness
  • Loyalty

Explanation: One strategy that is often considered to be part of the "Conversion" or "Decision" stage of the marketing funnel is the modification of the color of the checkout button on the product page depending on the results of a successful A/B test. Potential consumers have progressed through the stages of awareness and contemplation, and they are now in the process of deciding whether or not to convert, which may include making a purchase or carrying out a certain activity. Increasing the chance of successful conversions and improving the user experience are two goals that may be accomplished by optimizing the checkout process, which includes features such as button color.

10. As a digital marketer, you remarket ads to potential customers who recently visited the company website. This strategy falls under which marketing funnel stage?

  • Awareness
  • Conversion
  • Consideration 
  • Loyalty

Explanation: "Consideration" or "Retargeting" is the step of the marketing funnel that is responsible for remarketing advertisements to prospective clients who have recently visited the website of the firm under consideration. Remarketing activities are aimed at re-engaging those who have previously shown interest in the brand by visiting the website. The goal of these efforts is to promote further consideration and re-engage the individuals. The objective is to maintain the prospect's awareness of the brand, to provide them with new information, and to maybe persuade them to make a purchase or to take the necessary action.

11. Which component of a customer persona includes characteristics and demographics?

  • Barriers
  • Goals
  • Who 
  • Skills

Explanation: When referring to a consumer profile, the component that incorporates demographics and attributes is often referred to as "Demographic Details" or simply "Demographics." This section of the persona provides a detailed description of the client, including information such as their age, gender, employment, location, family size, and any other demographic data that are pertinent to the situation. The customer's history and context within the target audience may be better understood with the help of demographic information, which give a basis for this knowledge.

12. Which of the following is true regarding customer personas? Select all that apply.

  • You keep them readily available to reference when working on marketing materials. 
  • You typically only complete one persona per business.
  • They are also called the buyer persona or marketing persona. 
  • They generally do not require customer research.

13. Consider the following customer persona:

A 38-year-old woman who exercises regularly and would like to shop at a health-conscious grocery store.

What component of the customer persona is missing?

  • Who
  • Goal
  • Barrier 
  • Cost

Explanation: It is not possible to get information on the individual's "Interests" or "Hobbies" from the customer persona that has been supplied. It does not give any insights into her unique interests, hobbies, or other things that add to a more holistic knowledge of her lifestyle and preferences. While it does indicate her age, exercise habits, and shopping preferences, it does not provide any other information. Creating a customer persona that is more thorough and relevant might be facilitated by include information about the client's interests.

14. Which of the following are benefits of the marketing funnel? Select all that apply.

  • It considers the buyer’s journey. 
  • It may increase the conversion rate. 
  • It considers the seller’s journey.
  • It optimizes the company’s marketing strategy. 

15. As a digital marketer, you implement a rewards program to incentivize customers to become repeat customers. This strategy falls under which marketing funnel stage?

  • Loyalty 
  • Consideration
  • Conversion
  • Awareness

Explanation: During the "Retention" or "Loyalty" stage of the marketing funnel, it is common practice to implement a rewards program with the purpose of encouraging clients to become repeat customers. During this phase, the efforts are concentrated on preserving and cultivating the connections that have already been established with customers, fostering repeat business, and establishing client loyalty. The purpose of the rewards program is to encourage consumers to continue interacting with the business, to make more purchases, and to maybe become ambassadors for the company.

16. As a digital marketer, you pursue abandoned carts by sending follow up emails. This strategy falls under which marketing funnel stage?

  • Loyalty
  • Awareness
  • Consideration
  • Conversion 

Explanation: "Recovery" or "Remarketing" is the stage of the marketing funnel that encompasses the process of pursuing abandoned carts via the use of follow-up emails. Re-engaging with prospective consumers who have showed interest in a product or service but have not yet taken the required action, such as completing a purchase, is the primary emphasis of this stage of the process. In order to recover these abandoned carts and encourage consumers to return to the website in order to finish their transaction, one strategy that may be used is to send follow-up emails.

17. As a digital marketer, you create an automated email sequence educating potential customers about your products. The email sequence will go out to people who sign up through the website. This strategy falls under which marketing funnel stage?

  • Awareness
  • Loyalty
  • Consideration 
  • Conversion

Explanation: Within the "Nurturing" or "Consideration" stage of the marketing funnel, the process of developing an automated email sequence with the purpose of educating prospective consumers who sign up via the website might be considered. At this point in the process, the primary emphasis is on nurturing leads, establishing connections, and providing them with relevant information in order to get them closer to making a decision to purchase. The automated email sequence assists in educating prospective consumers about the items, resolving their questions and concerns, and leading them through the phase of the purchasing process that is devoted to contemplation.

18. Which component of a customer persona represents what the customer wants to achieve?

  • Barriers
  • Skills
  • Characteristics
  • Goals 

19. Fill in the blank: _ are information specific to the customer such as age, gender identity, family size, occupation, and location.

  • Occupations
  • Skills
  • Influences
  • Demographics 

Explanation: Statistical data! The nitty-gritty elements that construct a picture of who your consumer is are the ones that are highlighted here.

20. Which of the following best describes the conversion stage of the marketing funnel?

  • When customers become repeat customers and brand advocates
  • The process to build a potential customer’s interest in your product or service
  • The process to get a potential customer to take a desired action 
  • When a potential customer first becomes aware of the product or service

Explanation: The conversion stage is when the magic occurs; it is the stage in which prospective consumers become real customers by doing a certain action, such as completing a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. When it comes to the marketing funnel, this is the sweet spot.

21. Fill in the blank: Strategies support the plan to achieve the marketing goal and tend to be general ideas. _ are actions taken to make the plan happen.

  • Methods
  • Tactics 
  • Schemes
  • Techniques

22. As a digital marketer, you place ads on social media platforms to reach potential customers who are not familiar with your brand. This strategy falls under which marketing funnel stage?

  • Conversion
  • Consideration
  • Awareness 
  • Loyalty

Explanation: At this point in the marketing funnel, we are at the awareness stage. In order to familiarize people with your brand, you are essentially giving them the message, "Hey, the world, check us out!"

23. As a digital marketer, you implement a rewards program to incentivize customers to become repeat customers. This strategy falls under which marketing funnel stage?

  • Loyalty 
  • Awareness
  • Conversion
  • Consideration

Explanation: That is a move that is perfect for the loyalty stage. You are providing your current consumers with many reasons to be loyal to your business and to continue coming back for more. You are putting out the red carpet for them.

24. As a digital marketer, you work on elements of the product page and checkout process that speed up the pages’ load time. This strategy falls under which marketing funnel stage?

  • Loyalty
  • Conversion 
  • Awareness
  • Consideration

Explanation: The conversion stage is the most important phase in terms of optimizing the product page and the checkout process for speed. Increasing the likelihood of converting those curious clicks into real sales may be accomplished by making it as seamless and quick as possible.

25. As a digital marketer, you promote recent customer testimonials on social media, the company website, and email list. You use the testimonials to build interest in potential customers. This strategy falls under which marketing funnel stage?

  • Consideration 
  • Awareness
  • Conversion
  • Loyalty

Explanation: When it comes to the deliberation stage, that is a move. If you display favorable testimonials from previous customers, you are providing prospective clients with the social evidence they need in order to give serious consideration to purchasing your goods or services.

26. Which of the following is true regarding customer personas? Select all that apply.

  • They generally do not require customer research.
  • You typically only complete one persona per business.
  • They are also called the buyer persona or marketing persona.
  • You keep them readily available to reference when working on marketing materials. 

27. Which of the following best describes the loyalty stage of the marketing funnel?

  • The process to build a potential customer’s interest in your product or service
  • The process to get a potential customer to take a desired action
  • When customers become repeat customers and brand advocates 
  • When a potential customer first becomes aware of the product or service

Explanation: Within the marketing funnel, the loyalty stage is comparable to a warm and inviting hearth. It is the place where you have successfully won over clients, and now you are concentrating on maintaining the flame. This includes methods that are designed to convert one-time purchasers into recurring consumers and advocates for the brand. This stage encompasses the implementation of loyalty programs, the provision of outstanding customer service, and the upkeep of favorable relationships. Long-term dedication and positive energy are the two most important things.

28. Which statements best describe strategies and tactics? Select two.

  • Tactics support the plan to achieve the marketing goal and tend to be more general ideas.
  • Strategies are actions taken to make the plan happen.
  • Strategies support the plan to achieve the marketing goal and tend to be more general ideas. 
  • Tactics are actions taken to make the plan happen. 

29. Consider the following customer persona:

A 38-year-old woman who exercises regularly and is concerned that she does not have enough time to cook meals after work.
What component of the customer persona is missing?

  • Goal 
  • Barrier
  • Who
  • Cost

30. Which strategies can collect research for customer personas? Select all that apply.

  • Record previous personal experiences
  • Analyze web data 
  • Send out surveys
  • Conduct customer interviews 

31. Fill in the blank: _ support the plan to achieve the marketing goal and tend to be general ideas. Tactics are actions taken to make the plan happen.

  • Strategies 
  • Techniques
  • Methods
  • Schemes

Explanation: Generally speaking, strategies are broad concepts that stand in support of the strategy to accomplish the marketing objective. These are the steps that are conducted in order to make the plan work. The dynamic combo of marketing execution is what they are when they work together!

32. As a digital marketer, you provide customers with a free branded t-shirt and magnet for a first-time purchase. This strategy falls under which marketing funnel stage?

  • Consideration
  • Loyalty 
  • Awareness
  • Conversion

Explanation: The move that you made throughout the contemplation stage is quite enjoyable. By providing prospective consumers with an additional incentive to consider making that first purchase, you are sweetening the deal and giving them an additional cause to consider making that introductory purchase. New clients are treated to a little celebration to celebrate their arrival!

33. What is the correct order of the marketing funnel?

  • Consideration, awareness, conversion, loyalty
  • Awareness, consideration, loyalty, conversion
  • Consideration, conversion, loyalty, awareness
  • Awareness, consideration, conversion, loyalty 

34. As a digital marketer, you advertise with online influencers who have audiences that are not familiar with your brand. This strategy falls under which marketing funnel stage?

  • Conversion
  • Awareness 
  • Loyalty
  • Consideration

Explanation: In order to successfully present your business to new audiences during the awareness stage, it is a smart move to form partnerships with online influencers. It's like receiving a shoutout from the cool kids to let the world know that you've landed somewhere in the globe.

35. As a digital marketer, you focus on search engine optimization and creating content to reach potential customers not familiar with your brand. This strategy falls under which marketing funnel stage?

  • Conversion
  • Consideration
  • Awareness 
  • Loyalty

Explanation: When you are in the awareness stage, it is a smart move to put effort into search engine optimization and to create content in order to attract prospective clients who are not acquainted with your company. When you do this, you are essentially making your brand discoverable and communicate to a larger audience that "Hey, we're here!"

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