True or false? Solutions Partners who co-sell with HubSpot via the Partner Collaboration process receive both revenue share and Sold MRR credit.

Q: True or false? Solutions Partners who co-sell with HubSpot via the Partner Collaboration process receive both revenue share and Sold MRR credit.

  • True. Solutions Partners receive both revenue share and Sold MRR credit via Partner Collaboration only.
  • True. Solutions Partners receive both revenue share and Sold MRR credit for all co-sold sales opportunities.
  • False. Solutions Partners can only receive Sold MRR credit.
  • False. Solutions Partners receive neither revenue share nor Sold MRR credit.

Explanation: False. Solutions Partners receive neither revenue share nor Sold MRR credit.
Regarding the Partner Collaboration process with HubSpot, Solutions Partners often do not earn revenue sharing or Sold MRR credit for prospects they have participated in jointly selling. Referring to the particular conditions of the partnership agreement is always a good idea since the revenue-sharing scheme may be different from one partnership to another.

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