Module 5: Logistic Regression

Q: Fill in the blank: Binomial logistic regression is a technique that models the _____ of an observation falling into one of two categories, based on one or more independent variables.

  • Probability 
  • determinant
  • implications
  • causations
Explanation: The methodology known as binomial logistic regression is a method that models the chance of an observation falling into one of two categories, depending on one or more independent factors.

Q: A data professional calculates a logarithm of the odds of a given probability. What are they calculating?

  • Likelihood
  • Precision
  • Logit 
  • Recall
Explanation: Calculating the Logit is the process that a data professional must go through in order to calculate the logarithm of the probabilities of a given probability.

Q: Fill in the blank: Maximum likelihood estimation is a technique for estimating the _____ that maximize the likelihood of the model producing the observed data.

  • beta parameters 
  • continuous coefficients
  • error terms
  • continuous parameters
Explanation: Estimating the beta parameters in a way that maximizes the probability of the model generating the observed data is the basis of the maximum likelihood estimation approach.

Q: Following the no extreme outlier assumption, when are outliers detected?

  • Either before or after the model is fit
  • After the model is fit 
  • Before the model is fit
  • While the model is being fit
Explanation: Under the premise that there are no severe outliers, outliers are identified prior to the model being fitted.

Q: What graphical representation demonstrates a classifier’s accuracy at predicting the labels for a categorical variable?

  • Logistic matrix
  • Logistic graph
  • Likelihood matrix
  • Confusion matrix 
Explanation: In the context of categorical variables, a confusion matrix is a graphical representation that illustrates how well a classifier can predict the labels for those variables.

Q: A data professional calculates precision in logistic regression results. They have 101 true positives, 63 true negatives, 4 false positives, and 2 false negatives. What is the calculation for precision?

  • 101 / (101 + 4) 
  • (101 + 2) / 4
  • (63 + 4) / 101
  • 101 / (63 + 2)
Explanation: The equation for determining precision is as follows: divide the total number of true positives by the total number of false positives. 

Q: A data professional calculates accuracy in logistic regression results. They have 99 true positives, 91 true negatives, and 248 total predictions. What is the calculation for accuracy?

  • 248 / (99 + 91)
  • (248 – 99) / 91
  • 99 / (248 – 91)
  • (99 + 91) / 248 
Explanation: To determine the level of accuracy, divide the total number of forecasts by the number of accurate predictions, which includes both true positives and true negatives.

Q: A data professional calculates recall in logistic regression results. They have 145 true positives, 128 true negatives, 4 false positives, and 2 false negatives. What is the calculation for recall?

  • 145 / (145 + 2) 
  • (128 + 2) / 128
  • (145 + 128) / (4 + 2)
  • (4 – 2) / 145
Explanation: The calculation of recall involves dividing the total number of true positives by the sum of the number of false negatives and true positives.

Q: What technique models the probability of an observation falling into one of two categories, based on one or more independent variables?

  • Maximum likelihood estimation
  • Linear regression
  • Log-odds function
  • Binomial logistic regression 
Explanation: The method known as binomial logistic regression is the methodology that models the chance of an observation falling into one of two categories, depending on one or more independent factors.

Q: What is the logit formula?

Logarithm of p divided by 1 minus p 

Logarithm of 1 divided by p minus 1

Logarithm of p plus 1 divided by p

Logarithm of 1 plus p divided by p

Explanation: The logit function is defined as the logarithm of the chances of success p in a binary result (where p is the probability of success). In other words, the logit function is a binary output function. 

Q: What technique estimates the beta parameters that increase the likelihood of the model producing observed data?

  • Precision
  • Maximum likelihood estimation 
  • Recall
  • Accuracy
Explanation: The maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) method is a methodology that estimates the beta parameters (or other parameters) of a model in order to maximize the probability that the model will produce observed data.

Q: Which regression assumption states that, if multiple X variables are in a model, they should not be highly correlated with one another?

  • Linearity
  • No multicollinearity 
  • Independent observations
  • No extreme outliers
Explanation: There is a regression assumption known as "no multicollinearity," which asserts that if a model contains many X variables, those variables should not have a strong correlation with one another.

Q: Fill in the blank: A confusion matrix is a graphical representation of how accurate a classifier is at _____ the labels for a categorical variable.

  • spacing
  • predicting 
  • organizing
  • limiting
Explanation: A confusion matrix is a graphical depiction of the degree to which a classifier is successful in predicting the labels for a category variable.To determine how well a classification model performs, a confusion matrix is used to compare the predicted labels with the actual labels.

Q: A data professional calculates precision in logistic regression results. They have 89 true positives, 83 true negatives, 3 false positives, and 1 false negative. What is the calculation for precision?

  • 89 / (83 + 1)
  • (89 + 1) / 3
  • (83 + 3) / 89
  • 89 / (89 + 3) 

Q: A data professional calculates accuracy in logistic regression results. They have 82 true positives, 75 true negatives, and 202 total predictions. What is the calculation for accuracy?

(82 + 75) / 202 (CORRECT)

202 / (82 + 75)

82 / (202 – 75)

(202 – 82) / 75

Explanation: The result of this computation is the fraction in which the numerator is equal to the sum of 82 and 75, and the denominator is equal to 202.

Q: A data professional calculates recall in logistic regression results. They have 91 true positives, 84 true negatives, 6 false positives, and 5 false negatives. What is the calculation for recall?

  • (84 + 5) / 84
  • 91 / (91 + 5) 
  • (91 – 6) / (84 – 5)
  • 84 / (84 + 6)
Explanation: It is possible to compute recall in the context of logistic regression or any other classification model by dividing the number of true positives (TP) by the total number of true positives and false negatives (TP + FN).

Q: Logit includes which other probability formula?

  • Precision
  • Odds 
  • Recall
  • Estimation
Explanation: There is a connection between the logit function and odds when using logistic regression and probability. In particular, the logit function is the natural logarithm of the odds used in the calculation.

Q: Fill in the blank: A confusion matrix is a graphical representation of how accurate a classifier is at predicting the labels for a _____ variable.

  • Categorical 
  • Confidence
  • correlated
  • continuous
Explanation: A confusion matrix is a graphical depiction of the degree to which a classifier is successful in predicting the labels for a category variable.

Q: Precision measures the proportion of positive predictions that were false positives.

  • True
  • False 
Explanation: The term "precision" refers to the fraction of genuine positive predictions relative to the total number of positive predictions generated by the classifier.

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