How is revenue share calculated?

Q: How is revenue share calculated?

  • 10% MRR for as long as a partner remains in the Partner Program
  • 10% MRR for as long as the clients’ products remain active
  • 20% MRR for as long as a partner remains in the Partner Program
  • 20% MRR for as long as the clients’ products remain active

Explanation: Even though the percentages are different, it seems that the revenue split is determined by the Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) in both potential circumstances. As long as the partner remains a program member, the initial choice is to pay them 10% of their monthly revenue. The second choice is similar to 10%, but it is for the duration of the time that the customers' items continue to be operational. The same reasoning applies to the second set of choices, but this time with a revenue share of twenty percent instead. Due to the fact that the particular terms might differ from one partnership program to another, it is required to refer to the agreement specifics in order to get detailed information.

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